What is a Tesla Coil?
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What is a Tesla Coil?
The Tesla Coil is used to produce fantastic high voltage long
sparking displays. It takes the output from a 120vAC to a several
kilovolt transformer and driver circuit and steps it up to an
extremely high voltage. Voltages can get to be well above
1,000,000 volts and are discharged in the form of electrical arcs.
Tesla coils are unique in the fact that they create extremely
powerful electrical fields. Large coils have been known to
wirelessly light up florescent lights up to 50 feet away, and
because of the fact that it is an electric field that goes
directly into the light and doesn't use the electrodes, even
burnt-out florescent lights will glow.
To learn more about Tesla Coils check out the resources in our Cool
Links page.