11/14/00 JA Hernando, " GLAST Tracking Software " (PDF).
11/14/00 JA Hernando, " Tb_recon Centella A Reconstruction Program for the 99/00 GLAST Test Beam " (PDF).
09/25/00. B. Baughman, " Preliminary PSF results " Plots
09/08/00. B. Baughman, " PSF Analysis talk " (PDF)
08/25/00. B. Baughman, " More news on PSF analysis " (PDF) .
08/11/00, B. Baughman, "News on PSF analysis " (PDF).
08/11/00, Ian Dobbs-Dixon, " first tracker aligment resutls "(PDF).
07/13/00, H. Arrighi, GSFC, "A refresher course in obtaining, compiling, and running centella" PLUS " How-to read in both raw & recon files at the sime time "
07/12/00, JA Hernando, "Running algorithms and applying cuts in tb_recon
(centella)" or "the possibilities of centella.in"
07/11/00, B. Baughman, "Checking the tracker reconstruction in tb_recon with positrons" (PDF)
07/11/00. B. Baughman, tb_recon tracker reconstruction QC plots for electrons.
06/09/00, JA Hernando, User guide to
TrkRecon Recon ROOT tree classes
06/06/00, JA Hernando, the framework of tb_recon is documented
using doxygen. Visit the detailed description of the
centella framework.
05/16/00, JA Hernando, "tb_recon, centella, a reconstruction program
for the 99/00 GLAST Test Beam" , presentation at the SLAC workshop
02/14/00, JA Hernando, Progress on Test Beam RECON ",