method | description | range |
getCenterStrip() | # of the center strip of the cluster | 0-1599 |
getId() | Id of the cluster | 0- |
getLayer() | Layer # of the cluster | 0-15 |
getNumStrips() | # of strips in the cluster | 1- |
getPosition() | position (cm) of the center strip | |
getXY() | X or Y cluster? (X=0) | |
getZPosition() | z position (cm) of the cluster | 0- |
method | description | range |
getChi2() | the chi2 of the hit | |
getResidual() | the residual of the hit | |
getSiCluster() | TkrSiCluster* associated with the hit | |
getLocator() | TkrLocator* associated with the hit |
method | description | range |
getCov_X() | XZ position and slope covariance element (cm) | |
getCov_Y() | YZ position and slope covariance element (cm) | |
getId() | Id of the locator | |
getPosition() | TVector3& position (cm) of the locator | |
getSigma_X() | error in X position (cm) | |
getSigma_Xslope() | error in XZ slope (rad) | |
getSigma_Y() | error in Y pposition (cm) | |
getSigma_Yslope() | error in YZ slope (rad) | |
getSlopeX() | XZ slope (rad) | |
getSlopeY() | YZ slope (rad) | |
getType() | type of the locator | vertex,lastLayer |
method | description | range |
getChi2() | chi2 of the track | |
getEnergyDet() | energy (GeV) measured in tracker | |
getEnergyInput() | energy (GeV) used to fit the track | |
getFirstLayer() | 1st Layer # of the track | 2-15 |
getHits() | TObjArray* with the TkrHits of the track | |
getId() | Id # of the track | 0- |
getLocator() | TObjArray* with the TkrLocators of the track | |
getMother() | TkrTrack* parent of this one | |
getNumClusters() | # of TkrHits of the track | |
getQuality() | quality value of the track | |
getResidual() | RMS of the residual of the track (cm) | |
getTrackType() | type of the track | gamma,electron,hadron |
method | description | range |
getLocator() | TObjArray* with the Tkrlocators of the TrkGamma | vertex |
getTracks() | TObjArray* with the TkrTracks of the TkrGamma |