Tracker reconstruction classes: access description

method description range
getCenterStrip() # of the center strip of the cluster 0-1599
getId() Id of the cluster 0-
getLayer() Layer # of the cluster 0-15
getNumStrips() # of strips in the cluster 1-
getPosition() position (cm) of the center strip
getXY() X or Y cluster? (X=0)
getZPosition() z position (cm) of the cluster 0-

method description range
getChi2() the chi2 of the hit
getResidual() the residual of the hit
getSiCluster() TkrSiCluster* associated with the hit
getLocator() TkrLocator* associated with the hit

method description range
getCov_X() XZ position and slope covariance element (cm)
getCov_Y() YZ position and slope covariance element (cm)
getId() Id of the locator
getPosition() TVector3& position (cm) of the locator
getSigma_X() error in X position (cm)
getSigma_Xslope() error in XZ slope (rad)
getSigma_Y() error in Y pposition (cm)
getSigma_Yslope() error in YZ slope (rad)
getSlopeX() XZ slope (rad)
getSlopeY() YZ slope (rad)
getType() type of the locator vertex,lastLayer

method description range
getChi2() chi2 of the track
getEnergyDet() energy (GeV) measured in tracker
getEnergyInput() energy (GeV) used to fit the track
getFirstLayer() 1st Layer # of the track 2-15
getHits() TObjArray* with the TkrHits of the track
getId() Id # of the track 0-
getLocator() TObjArray* with the TkrLocators of the track
getMother() TkrTrack* parent of this one
getNumClusters() # of TkrHits of the track
getQuality() quality value of the track
getResidual() RMS of the residual of the track (cm)
getTrackType() type of the track gamma,electron,hadron

method description range
getLocator() TObjArray* with the Tkrlocators of the TrkGamma vertex
getTracks() TObjArray* with the TkrTracks of the TkrGamma

For comments and questions, send a mail to Jose A. Hernando