This page contains information on
SEE (Single Event Effect) tests on GLAST TKR front-end electronics in 2001.
Test chip "top5" for GLAST TKR front-end electronics
3 power lines: AVDD (2.5 V), AVDD2 (1.5 V), and DVDD (2.5 V).
3 channels of a preamp, a shaper, and a comparator for TKR
powered by AVDD and AVDD2.
1 preamp for CAL powered by AVDD and AVDD2
A 128-bit shit register powered by DVDD;
4 blocks of 32-bit registers, each of which is designed differently:
3 SEU-resistive registers and a non-resistive one.
(Schematic drawing of a shift-register on "top5")
Find SEU threshold in laser power for each design of a shift-register.
Find SEL threshold in laser power for each design of a shift-register.
LabVIEW VI's: This ZIPped file (224 kB)
includes a main VI "" (640 kB),
and two sub VI's "" (59 kB)
and "" (35 kB).
Put all three in one directory and open "" to use it.
Worked on LabVIEW 5.1.
LabVIEW VI's: This ZIPped file (280 kB)
includes a main VI "" (682 kB),
and four sub VI's "" (59 kB),
"" (35 kB),
"" (40 kB),
and "" (26 kB).
Put all three in one directory and open "" to use it.
Worked on LabVIEW 5.1.