TMCM for EM mini-tower

Test Procedure

  1. Power Consumption (TM702)
  2. GTRC LVDS output level (TM708)
  3. GTRC configuration register load and readback (TM704)
  4. GTFE configuration registers (TM705)
  5. Broadcast GTFE configuration register load (TM705)
  6. GTRC addressing (TM707)
  7. Read-event sequence
  8. Layer-OR threshold scan
  9. SSD bias leakage current (TM703)

Brief Test Summary

SN RC FE PA Dest EN Test
RCreg FEreg EVdat TRG_L TRG_R
70 3 F2 Y Italy N 12/19/2002 TELE 2.936 1.451 2.938 69.873 66.650 12.891 16.740 -- -- NG -- NA
Y 01/17/2003 UCSC 2.899 1.453 2.932 65.576 65.185 12.891 15.802 -- -- NG -- --
71 3 F2 Y Italy N 12/19/2002 TELE 2.939 1.452 2.939 69.824 66.064 12.695 21.017 -- -- -- -- NA

72 3 F2 Y Italy N 01/31/2003 TELE 2.899 1.453 2.931 67.236 66.064 12.695 14.306 -- -- -- -- --

73 3 F2 Y SLAC N 01/31/2003 TELE 2.897 1.452 2.931 67.676 65.283 12.353 28.635 -- -- -- -- --

74 3 G Y Italy N 01/16/2003 TELE 2.668 1.443 3.296 59.717 76.855 23.389 17.706 -- -- NG -- --
Y 01/24/2003 UCSC 2.897 1.455 2.925 69.092 63.281 19.189 18.310 -- -- NG -- --
75 3 G Y Italy N 12/20/2003 TELE 2.934 1.455 2.927 74.707 64.111 26.123 18.032 -- -- NG -- NA
Y 01/17/2003 UCSC 2.897 1.453 2.924 68.164 62.988 18.945 18.798 -- -- NG -- --
76 5 G Y SLAC N 01/16/2003 TELE 2.698 1.448 3.293 70.752 75.586 29.980 18.813 -- -- NG -- NA
Y 01/23/2003 UCSC 2.898 1.456 2.919 64.746 61.865 25.098 22.133 NG NG NG NG --
77 3 G Y Italy N 12/19/2002 TELE 2.937 1.455 2.934 69.629 64.551 20.557 15.686 -- -- NG -- NA
Y 01/17/2003 UCSC 2.898 1.455 2.924 65.722 63.037 20.117 15.811 -- -- NG -- --
78 3 G Y SLAC N 12/19/2002 TELE 2.937 1.430 2.920 76.221 109.033 42.480 16.204 -- NG NG NG NA

79 3 F2 Y Italy N 12/19/2002 TELE 2.937 1.454 2.937 69.629 62.353 13.037 19.949 -- NG NG -- NA
Y 01/17/2003 UCSC 2.899 1.454 2.929 65.234 65.234 12.744 16.487 -- NG NG -- NG
80 3 F2 Y Italy N 12/19/2002 TELE 2.934 1.453 2.935 78.076 66.064 13.086 17.301 -- NG NG NG NG
Y 01/22/2003 UCSC 2.896 1.454 2.931 71.826 64.209 12.891 16.530 -- NG NG NG NG
81 5 F2 Y SLAC N 12/19/2002 TELE 2.939 1.454 2.935 66.650 66.113 12.793 17.712 -- -- -- -- NA
Y 01/22/2003 UCSC 2.901 1.453 2.926 62.500 64.160 12.598 18.853 -- -- -- -- --
82 3 G Y Italy N 12/19/2002 TELE 2.938 1.444 2.931 69.092 78.418 21.387 17.074 -- NG NG -- NA
Y 01/22/2003 UCSC 2.898 1.444 2.925 65.234 75.000 20.752 NA -- NG NG -- NA
83 5 F2 N SLAC N 01/19/2003 UCSC 2.897 1.452 2.930 67.773 66.406 12.549 18.731 -- -- -- -- --

84 5 F2 N SLAC N 01/19/2003 UCSC 2.897 1.452 2.930 67.334 65.527 12.646 14.965 -- -- -- -- --

Known problems

70 23 This chip does not work for read-event-data when event buffer #1 is used.



74 0
This chip does not work for read-event-data at all.
This chip shows oscillation up to a threshold of at leat 14 DAC counts.
This chip shows oscillation up to a threshold of at leat 14 DAC counts.
This chip does not work for read-event-data when event buffer #1 is used.
This chip does not work at all for read-event-data. It always shows TAG error and the data is collapsed.
This chip does not show any event data when event buffer #0 is used.
75 1 This chip does not work for read-event-data when event buffer #0 is used.
23 Afer encapsulation, this chip is showing oscillations up to a threshold of at leat 14 DAC counts.
This chip shows oscillation up to a threshold of at leat 14 DAC counts.
This chip does not transfer event data in the left-hand direction.
GTRC left
Afer encapsulation, any operation from the right-hand side does not work.
77 11 This chip shows oscillation up to a threshold of at leat 14 DAC counts.
78 All
This TMCM does not work at all other than reading-out of GTRC control registers.
79 8 This chip does not respond well for reading out control registers from the right side. It works well from the left side
16 This chip shows a very peculiar behavior when the calibration channel patter [0,13,26,39,52] is used. In that case, it returns the data [0,13,26,38,52]. All other calibration patterns work well.
8 or 9 In the right-hand direction, the layer-OR signal is not seen from chip address 0 through 8.
80 3 This chip does not respond at all but does pass data and trigger (with one exception noted below).
2 or 3 In the right-hand direction, the layer-OR signal is not seen from the chip address 0 through 2
20 or 21 In the left-hand direction, the layer-OR signal is not seen from the chip address 21 through 23

82 7 This chip does not respond well when reading the control registers from the right side. It works well from the left side.
10 This chip frequently shows bad event data (channels other than those that were pulsed). It may be due to oscillations but has not been understood in detail.
12 Channels from 40 to 50 in this chip do not show hit-event data when calibration pulse is sent. This problem appear after encapsulation.
15 This chip does not work for read-event-data when event buffer #0 is used.


Last modified: Thu Feb 6 23:56:09 PST 2003