Minutes of the Tracker Electronics Meeting Sept 18, 2000 Present: Robert, Hartmut, David, Ned Masa, Wilko, and Dieter 1. Wilko Test program: Wilko: Wilko stated the he sees a small coupling between layers facing each other. The width from the fast trigger is a few usec. One MIP is about 8 usec. He also stated that he figured out how to send read commands to any number of GTFEs by programming the appropriate set of them to read out one direction and the rest the other direction. The level of pickup scales smoothly with number of chips. He noted that the pickup is seen in a chip even if that particular chip is not participating in the shifting. This indicates that the noise is associated with the hybrid; not from coupling just within a chip. Wilko reported that the test hybrid is wire bonded but read-back does not yet work. He will continue trying to get it to work. 2. Chip design: Robert stated that the HP run was canceled this month and will run on Oct 2. Dieter stated that the Peregrine 0.5um feature sizes are a bit larger than the HP 0.5um. This makes converting his HP design more difficult than expected. He wishes he looked at the Peregine layout first. Submission for the Peregine is Monday Sept 25. David needs to finish the SEU Tanner HP design so Ned can make them into standard cells. Dave said that his Spice simulation of the design indicated that it is hard up to at least 5 pC, which is consistent with Ned's earlier simulations. Ned: Ned stated that he has about half of the standard cell schematics converted to Office View. He also stated that he is experiencing difficulty comparing net lists between the extracted net list from the existing HP 0.8um layout (rescaled to 0.5um) and the schematics using LVS. The problems are mostly related to how transistor multiplicities are handled in the schematic versus the layout. Ned is revising the schematic to agree in Tanner with the layout. He also reported that he made good progress on the chip-to-chip driver/receiver pair. He broke the layout up into two separate blocks, put in the new substrate contacts, and did the lvs. AOB