Minutes of the Tracker Electronics Meeting November 20, 2000 Present: Robert, David, Dieter, Ned, Hartmut, and Wilko 1. GTFE pad frame; David: David faxed a drawing of the GTFE layout to UCSC for discussion. Gwelen has a 275um keep clear from the pads to the outer edges. David will find out what is standard clearance. Gwelen also wanted the pads to be 120umX250um so he will be able to bond twice. After some discussion, we agreed the pads can be reduced to 120umX150um. Gwelen stated that he still wants to try to maintain the 210um pitch of the input pads from the silicon. The corner pieces of the pad frame was also discussed. It was pointed that the digital grounds do not go to that part of the chip and that the pad frame is broken. Therefore we don't need corners for connection. David will redraw the GTFE design and email the layout in Autocad format so Gwelen can print it in color. 2. GTFE schematic; Robert: Robert stated that removing the start bit was difficult but it is complete now. He started simulation. He also stated that he saved the schematics on the UCSC Unix server. 3. Submissions; Dieter: Dieter stated that he is working on the simulations. Robert asked if the receivers are added to the submissions. Dieter stated that they are not part of the submission by will add them. Dieter asked is the threshold of the receivers have been measured. Robert stated that this measurement has not been done. Dieter pointer out the previous GTFE discriminator offsets were dominated by the shaper output offset. Robert asked Masa if the thresholds could be measured on the old chips. It was agreed that we would measure the sensitivity by a DC scan of the discriminators of five chips. Wilko stated that he hopes to have this completed by the end of next week. 4. MCM Capacitors; Wilko: Ned stated that he would like the MCM tested with a network analyzer with the capacitor values and quantities that is planned for production. Robert stated that he is concerned about taking Ned away from the GTFE layout work for this measurement. Ned thought this measurement is simple if one of the old boards is loaded and ready for measurement. Wilko will get one of the older boards loaded and Ned supervise Max, who will measure the MCM. Wilko also stated he is nearly finished with the noise measurements of the MCM with the reduced capacitance. 5. Power supplies for balloon flight; David: David stated that the power supplies for the balloon flight is supposed to be ready. David asked what noise specification is required. Robert and Hartmut thought that 3% noise increase due to power supplies is a good measurable figure. 6. GTRC; David. David asked for the specification document to be read by UCSC people. 7. GTFE DAC requirements; Wilko: Wilko is working on the requirements for the DACs so noise scans are easier to perform. Wilko asked Dieter to provide the current signal gain and noise numbers for the new design. Dieter also stated that the DAC accuracy is not better than 20%.