Minutes of the Tracker Electronics Meeting

December 11, 2000


Present: Robert, David, Masa, Hartmut



1.              GTFE layout: David; David stated that he will work on the pad frame now, since the mechanical layout is settled. Robert asked about the calibration register. David stated that Dieter would install the registers in with the front-end amplifiers. Robert stated that Ned is making progress on the Tanner place and route but has some strange problems with lvs of a rather simple block of logic.


2.    MCM: Robert; David asked if the MCM needs test pads. Robert stated he prefers using the connectors for testing. He sees no reason to implement special testing pads. Robert also stated that he prefers the board manufacturer to test the boards with a golden board or net list. The board manufacturer will be required to the perform coupon testing. Gwelen stated that we design the coupons per IPC requirements. Gwelen stated he needs 2.5mm from the center of the GTFE pad to the pad center on the MCM.


3.    Stanford tracker power supply: David; The Stanford tracker power supply worked when all eight cables were connected but not when only one cable was used. Robert asked for a spectrum analyzer test of the power supply to see the noise level. Robert stated that the supply should work with only one cable connected, as is the case with normal lab supplies. David stated that Wilko would analyze the data from the BTEM to see how well the all-cables-connected configuration actually worked.


4.    Young electronics: Gwelen; Gwelen stated that Young electronics cannot help us on the bias circuit, due to their own scheduling problems. Tom has talked to another vendor and has sent them the drawings.


5.    Flex: Gwelen; Gwelen stated that the flex cable would have to move in toward the MCM center by about 2mm. David stated that the termination on top of the cable is not settled yet. David will work with BJ.