Minutes of the Tracker Electronics Meeting
May 7, 2001
Present: Robert, David, Masa, Mutsumi, Hiroshi, Ned
1. SEU Test chip:
Masa and Mutsumi will prepare the SEU prototype chip for laser testing at NRL
and for heavy Ion testing in Italy in July this year. They have already used a
flash lamp to cause upsets.
2. GTRC submission:
David; The GTRC will hopefully be submitted Wednesday May 9. It was supposed to
be submitted Monday May 7.
3. MCM: David; The
MCM layout is nearly complete for production fabrication. Tung is finishing the
documentation portion of the layout. He
sees no problem with making the mini-MCM version (for 6 chips).
4. PDR
documentation: Robert; Robert stated that he finished revising the GTFE
documentation. David stated that he needs to finish the Grounding and Shielding
document, the Conceptual design of the Tracker Electronics, and start the MCM