Minutes glast lab meeting, October 10, 2000 Present: Alec, Bill, Gwelen, Mat, Wilko, Masa, Sergei hdi: Gwelen contacted a manufacturer for the hdi, that was suggested by T. Borden. Unfortunately they do only flip-chip technology but suggested a new vendor. Tower disassembly: The tower will be moved to the clean room tomorrow October 11. The first day the cables will be removed and all the rails and protective covers will be mounted. Alec is making a small tool so that a 25 gr force can be put on the detectors to see if they are still glue down. Each ladder will be tested with this tool. On Thursday the trays will be removed. Wilko sets up the electronics testing. A logic analyzer is used. The inspection station computer is used. This requires that a gpib card is installed and Labview has to be installed too. encapsulation: Bill reported that we received the Dexter podding material (podding + damming). It is stored at frozen ice temperatures. The pod life time is about 2 days. Before it is used a few more test samples have to be build. The hdi, that is used with the broken right angle interconnect, is cut in few piece onto which chips are mounted and wire bonded. Sergei reported that he has the proposal for the chip pin out for the hdi. He ordered the foot print for the hdi components. Mat: Mat said that there is a problem with the environmental chamber. One of the temperature sensors is noisy or broken and it exceeds the lower or upper limit. The company will be contacted to find out what caused the problem. Until this is fixed we can't do long temperature cycles.