GLAST Lab Meeting minutes for 8/8/00 Wilko- PC DAQ system is working, but needs more work to do threshold scans, etc. Masa will start taking measurements with the system. Components are loaded on a single chip board for Pisa. Now we just need a chip and wire bonding. There may not be time to take apart the tower before the Italians leave. We need to keep the tower intact until noise measurements have been done. Bill has ordered new Urelane which has arrived. He will test it immediately to avoid letting it get out of date again. Bill will ask EH&S if there is a fume hood in the room next to the clean room that we could take ownership of. Alec demonstrated a mock up of tools to remove trays from the tower in a totally controlled way. Some extra pieces would be, clips for falling detectors, piano wire to hold pins and spacers. We decided to disassembly the tower in the clean room which need some cleaning before we start. Kamal said that his temperature measurement is ADC resolution limited. This gives us approx. 0.5 C resolution. Gwelen wants to order another ADC for the environmental chamber that has more resolution and is designed more for temp. and strain measurement (low speed). (PO has been put in). Masa said that if we do cap testing of STM detectors that we will do it by hand since it is too hard to setup the automatic probe station. The measurement could be done semi-automatically on the probe station with only one computer. Masa and Bill are in the process of trying to get Wentworth to upgrade the probe station software to NT. Alec has made a G10 substrate for the next RAI (right angle intereconnect). He also checked to see if the plexiglass base piece we had would survive solder reflow oven temperatures. Not surprisingly, it won't. He put it in an oven at 170 C for 20 min. and the Kapton peeled off. Robert reminded us that the plan was to load the passives, test, and then assembly the RAI anyway. Alec mentioned again the possibility of pre-bending the Kapton. Gwelen and Mat are working on a test plan for testing the degredation the conductivity of conductive adhesives under thermo-cyling. They have found some references to studies which may be helpful.