Minutes of the Tracker Technical Meeting
January 3, 2001
Present: UCSC, SLAC, Hytec
My apologies for not getting out the meeting announcement. I had it all typed up but somehow must never have clicked the button to send it on its way.
Tom said that he has a drawing of the Christek connectors. They differ only slightly from Nanonics, mainly in the position of the mounting holes. To accommodate both for the time being, we will drill two holes in the MCM for each mounting screw. This will also require two holes or a slot in the tray closeout for clearance of the screw head. Tom said that Nanonics has improved the plastic that they use with respect to the connectors purchased for the BTEM. He believes that both vendors are using the same plastic. He noted that Christek uses inserts for the jack screws while Nanonics threads the plastic. He will have an estimate today from Nanonics for the purchase of 1400 connectors plus connector savers.
Eric and Tom said that Hytec will work up a document to specify our mechanical requirements for the tower interface to the grid (reaction forces, displacements, etc.).
Eric noted that Alcomp is having some problems with warping of carbon-carbon material. Nevertheless, he expects the first shipment in the next couple of weeks. Hytec is nearly ready to send the facesheet drawings to PCI. All that is needed is to put on the SLAC drawing numbers. Hytec is presently mainly working on tray panel assembly tooling. The will complete the design soon and make prototypes locally for testing with closeouts that also will be machined locally (maybe not with all detailed features).
Tom said that they are working on completing the MCM drawings. Electrical layout of the MCM will begin in the next day or so.
Ossie reported that the gluing machine still is being unpacked. It is not presently in a very desirable location. He gave a status report on the cleanroom construction.
John is working on trying out glue dots. The size to which the dot spreads is very sensitive to the joint thickness. Ossie thought that we may find it desirable to control the thickness with spacers rather than defining the height of the detector plane with the jig. Pisa is going to try both methods.
Ossie said that he has numbers for the advertised bond strength of the Nusil CV1142. SLAC will make samples next week with Si on Al for thermal tests. Robert mentioned that preliminary playing around with the adhesive at UCSC suggests a very week bond to aluminized silicon and to kapton and gold. Ossie said that a primer is available to improve the bonding but that various cleaning or surface preparations could also be tried.
1. Bond strength of the silicone-based adhesives; surface preparation
Action Items:
1. Ossie: prepare a thermal-test sample using Si, Al, and dots of the Nusil CV1142.