Minutes of the Tracker Technical Meeting

January 17, 2001


Robert began a discussion of how many Nanonics connectors to purchase.  Given the 2-month lead time, connectors need to be ordered soon for prototyping activities.  Tom agreed that we should go ahead at this time and order enough for the engineering model.


Robert pointed out that there is a current item listed in the schedule about preparing for SSD storage.  Pisa said that they are thinking about the problem now and could use some input from SLAC.  Robert asked where the first 400 detectors be shipped.  Hartmut said that 135 detectors will arrive in April and eventually should go to Pisa.  He suggested holding them at the factory, in general, until they are needed.  The cutoffs will be shipped immediately to Hiroshima for testing and production monitoring.  Ronaldo said that they got stuck with large customs charges on the last shipment.  He and Guido will study how the duty payments can be avoided in the future.


Ossie said that Omar is working on some thermal test samples with silicone-adhesive dots.  There was a short discussion of problems with bonding to gold.  It was pointed out that we probably can selectively plate the bias circuits such that the pads for bonding the detectors are just copper. 


Gwelen reported that the primer for the conductive silicone adhesive was tried out.  It cures in 20 minutes.  Several test pieces will be assembled today to test the bond strength.  Ossie asked him to send some of the primer to SLAC.


Ronaldo reported on the outcome of a meeting of the Italian funding agency in Rome.  In general it went well, with funding obtained for most of the requests made for this year, including a probe station.  Bari was also funded to join the project. 


Tom requested that Pisa put into Tom’s budget spread sheet a breakdown of the costs for Italian activities, to Level-6 in the WBS.  This will be used for the Lehman review.  Ronaldo said that they will need the Lehman review material to show to the Italian funding agencies.


At Pisa they are working on testing the HPK detectors.  From optical measurements, they all look the same, with an angle of the cut of 7 microns over the length, well within specs.  They have also measured IV and CV curves and are starting capacitance measurements on the strips.  They should finish by the end of the week.


Steve reported they Hytec has finished drawings of the tray-panel assembly tooling.  They are still waiting for the carbon-carbon material, which hopefully will arrive by the end of the week.  On the sidewalls they completed the fastener pullthrough tests and will soon be starting the coating tests.  A report on the sidewall tests is about one month away.


Action Items:

  1. Pisa: fill in the INFN part of the budget to Level-6 in the WBS.
  2. Ossie: send information on the SLAC dry-nitrogen storage lockers to Pisa.
  3. Pisa: make plans for detector-storage facilities
  4. Gwelen: send some silicone-adhesive primer to SLAC.