Minutes of the Tracker Meeting
June 6, 2001
Robert talked about PDR preparations. Luca said that he will provide a new file on database preparations. Hartmut will put together an outline of an electronics test plan
Tom will talk to David about PDR arrangements
Sandro reported that they finished today the tool to assembled ladders onto trays. This week they will glue the first ladders onto trays. The week after next the trays will go to Terni for thermal tests. They also are refining drawings for a new set of mockups at Plyform and are working on tower assembly drawings.
Pisa received the Micron dummy wafers. Sandro has final quotes for probe stations and will proceed to purchase them. They will use very standard machines. They are working on customs issue and will conclude in a few days.
Hartmut said that the first 100 wafers are presumed to be flight wafers and must be tracked accordingly. Sandro said that he has an N2 box for storage and will write on paper all procedures and will start to fill the database. Hartmut was concerned about too much back and forth shipping in Italy. Sandro says that the wafers will stay in the N2 box until a decision is made where they will be assembled into ladders.
Ronaldo reported that on June 14 they expect formal approval for GLAST construction by INFN.
Erik reported that they are nearly finished with the PDR document. He is putting together a sidewall PO to go to PCI.
Steve said that YLA declined to quote but gave some more names. They still need numbers on adding the aluminum foil. Steve wants to revisit the EMI shielding issue. An alternative is to apply conductive paint 40 um thick. It has 50% metal flakes in polymer. Then do Al vapor deposition to 5um. He predicts 80 dollars per panel compared with 254 dollars for foil.
Tom said that the 80 panels are to be ordered in late 2002. Steve asked if we should shield the EM? The answer was yes, with Al foil.
Erik reported that GMSI machined 5 closeout walls. Erik says they look better in terms of densification but still not quite up to what he wants.
Tom reported that Young Electronics has expressed interest in doing the MCM PWB in aramid fiber. They will get back this week with a quote. There is still no quote from Cosmotronics. Next week Tom expects a cable quote from Minneapolis. Tom will contact Qflex.
Ossie reported that Kulite prefers alloy (90%W + Ni, Cu at 17.5 g/cm3) for double disk grinding. That means that the material has to get 3 mils thicker to make the same radiation lengths. Sandro would like to know the CTE.
Tom would like Sandro to email information on glues used by Plyform. Sandro wants 100um glue lines. Tom will add adhesives and other payload stuff to the material list for PDR. Erik will add adhesives for panel assembly.
Sandro said that he wants two panels of thin-converter honeycomb. Erik ordered plenty extra for that.