Jan. 2001 | GLAST Science Document (PDFs; 300 dpi version (5.3 MB), 72 dpi version (510 kB) GLAST Science Working Group |
Jan. 2000 | Proposal to NASA : "AO Response" Final Version (PDFs; Vol.1, foldout A, foldout B, foldout C, foldout D, and Vol.2) Stanford University |
Sep. 1999 | The GLAST Silicon-Strip Tracking System
(PDF) Robert P. Johnson 5th Compton Symposium, Portsmouth NH |
Jan. 1999 | The Physics and Status of the Gamma Large Area Space Telescope
(PDF) Robert P. Johnson (on behalf of the GLAST Collaboration) DPF 99, UCLA |
Oct. 1998 | The silicon tracker/converter for the gamma-ray large area space telescope
(PDF) W.B. Atwood, J.A. Hernando, M. Hirayama, R.P. Johnson, W. Kroeger, H.F.-W. Sadrozinski Nucl. Instr. & Meth. A 435 (1999) 224-232. Vertex 98, Santorini, Greece |
Feb. 1998 | The GLAST Silicon-Strip Tracker
(PDF) Robert P. Johnson (Representing the GLAST Collaboration) Hiroshima Semiconductor Tracking Detector Conference, at Melbourne, SCIPP 98/04 |
Nov. 1997. | An Amplifier-Discriminator Chip for the GLAST Silicon-Strip
(PDF) R.P.Johnson, P.Poplevin, H.F.-W. Sadrozinski and E.N.Spencer IEEE Conference Report, SCIPP 97/33 |
December 5, 2000 | Caltech HEP Seminar
(PDF) R. Johnson |
Autumn 2000 | Construction and Performance of the BTEM Tracker
(PDF) H. Sadrozinski IEEE Meeting |
June 15, 2000 | The GLAST Silicon-Strip Tracker
(PDF) R. Johnson GLAST LAT Quarterly Review |
May. 2000 | Centella a reconstruction program for
the 1999/2000 GLAST Test beam
(PDF) J. Hernando, M. Hirayama, W. Kroeger, et al. Software workshop, SLAC, May 2000 |
Mar. 2000 | GLAST
(PPT) Hartmut F.-W. Sadrozinski Presentation at Hiroshima 2000 |
Mar. 2000 | ATD Tracker Subsystem Development
(PDF) Robert P. Johnson ATD Tracker Report given at the GLAST Collaboration meeting |
Feb. 2000 | (no title)
(PDF) R.P. Johnson Talk given to Italian INFN institutes |
Jun. 1999 | GLAST tracker reconstruction. Status report
(PDF) W. Atwood, J. Hernando, R. Johnson, H. Sadrozinski, N. Cotton, D. Melton GLAST collaboration meeting, UCSC |
Jun. 1999 | Prototype Tracker Tower Construction Status
(PDF) R.P. Johnson Prototype Tracker Status at the collaboration meeting |
Jun. 1999 | Tracker Sybsystem Report
(PDF) R.P. Johnson Tracker Subsystem Report at the collaboration meeting |
Jan. 1999 | Technology Development I --- Tracker & DAQ
(PDF) Robert P. Johnson Talk given to the GLAST Council |
Nov. 1998 | GLAST Silicon-Strip Tracker Development Work at U.C Santa Cruz
(PDF) Robert P. Johnson Presentation to GSFC visitors to UCSC |
Oct. 1998 | The silicon tracker/converter for the gamma-ray large area space
(PDF) W.B. Atwood, J.A. Hernando, M. Hirayama, R.P. Johnson, W. Kroeger, H.F.-W. Sadrozinski Vertex 98, Santorini, Greece |
Sep. 1998 | GLAST Silicon-Strip Tracker Progress Report
(PDF) Robert P. Johnson On tracker progress at the collaboration meeting |
Jun. 1998 | GLAST Silicon-Strip Tracker Status Report
(PDF) Robert P. Johnson On tracker progress at the June 1998 collaboration meeting |
Feb. 1998 | GLAST Tracker Readout Electronics Status Report
(PDF) Robert P. Johnson Status report on GLAST Tracker Readout Electronics |
Dec. 1997 | The GLAST Silicon-Strip Tracker --- Detectors and Electronics
(PDF) Robert P. Johnson Melbourne 97 3rd Int. (Hiroshima) Symposium |
Nov. 1997 | ASIC Development for the GLAST Tracker
(PDF) Robert P. Johnson FE-review talk given at the review meeting at UCSC |
Nov. 1997 | GLAST Silicon Microstrip Tracker Electronics
(PDF) Robert P. Johnson Talk given to the GSFC visitors at UCSC |
Oct. 1997 | GLAST Silicon Microstrip Tracker Electronics
(PDF) R.P. Johnson DAQ meeting at Stanford in October |
Sep. 1997 | GLAST Silicon Microstrip Tracker Status
(PDF) R.P. Johnson Status talk given at the GLAST collaboration meeting |
Apr. 1999 | The GLAST Silicon Strip Tracking System
(PDF) R.P. Johnson, W.B.Atwood, V.Chen, H.A.Hernando, M.Hirayama, W.Kroeger, G.Paliaga, H.Sadrozinski, E.Bloom, J.Broeder, B.Feerick, G.Godfrey, T.Kamae, T.Ohsugi, W.Miller, E.Ponslet, and GLAST collaboration Poster presented at HEAD Meeting 1999 |
Nov. 1997 | A Prototype Amplifier-Descriminator Chip for the GLAST Silicon-Strip
(PDF) Robert P. Johnson, Pavel Poplevin, Hartmut Sadrozinski, and Ned Spencer Poster presented at IEEE 97 |
![]() Masaharu Hirayama |
Last modified: Sat Jan 13 19:46:01 PST 2001 |