Here is a full description of the objects contained in the Root Recon Tree.

Reading the Root Recon files

In order to allow Root to manipulate our recon root files - Root must be made aware of the type of objects contained in the file. We can do this by generating a library contain the definitions of the classes. tb_recon provides a method to generate this library.

To compile under Windows:

If you haven't do so already, run the "dorootcint.bat" file under the RootTree directory.
This will create some necessary files so that the library can be built.
In VC++, set RootReconReader as your "active project".
Choose the "Release" configuration
Under the Build menu, click on "Rebuild All"
The Recon.dll will be created under the RootTree/Release directory -
or if building the Debug version under the RootTree/Debug directory.

Under Unix:

The "" file is generated automatically during the "make" process for centella.
The library by default is stored in the RootTree/.libs directory.


To Read in Root files generated by tb_recon (centella)
note that RootTree/startmacro.c will need modification to provide the path to the Recon.dll (
start up Root in interactive mode via "root"

At the Root prompt:
.x startmacro.c
.L MyRecon.c
MyRecon *r = new MyRecon("ReconRootFile.root")

MyRecon.c should work just like MyEvent.c.

Users will certainly wish to modify MyRecon.c for their own purposes. Please feel free to do so, and those who make useful additions should take the time to commit the new version to the CVS repository.