
Detector Plane Page

The detector plane page is used to change parameters of a detector plane and to perform runs on a single plane.

Select a Plane

The first step is to select a detector plane. Chose the link number in the combo box select: The name of the detector plane name will appear next to the combo box, if no error occurred (e.g.: no detector plane added to the link).

Change Parameter


Readout Run

Description: Readout performs a do_calibrate command, using fifo 0. The occupancy for every channel is measured and written to a file.

Input: The number of events and the file name the data are written to is required.


Charge Injection Scan

Description: For a charge injection scan the occupancy is measured for different charges injected into the input of the amplifier (V_cal is changed). This run mode is used to perform a calibration. From the resulting s-curves the median (occupancy = 50%) and the sigma is extracted. Input: The fixed threshold value, the start, stop and step size for the V_cal value, the number of requested events per point and the output file name. Output: The output is the standard ascii file. the first three lines are the run mode and the fixed threshold, the second line is a list of the V_cal values, the third line is the number of events per point. The following lines are the channels number and the number of hits for each injected charge point. Only channels that were selected are written.


Description: A Calibration scan is a charge injection scan. The threshold is fixed and the occupancy is measured for different injected charge (V_cal). The difference to a standard charge injection scan is that the calibration control blocks and calibration lines are read from the detector description file. If for example the detector description file contains the two lines
CB_cal:     cal_0.cb  0
CB_cal:     cal_2.cb  3
two charge injection scans are performed. The first one is using cal_0.cb (analyzing calibration line 0) the second one is using cal_2.cb (analyzing cal-line 3). Input: and Output: are identical (except header word) to those for a charge injection scan.

Noise Scan

Description: For a noise scan the occupancy is measured for different threshold values. Triggers are issued by executing the fifo 0. The control block file is not loaded automatically but usually loaded when the system is started.

Input: The inputs are the start, stop and step size for the threshold voltage, the output file name and the number of events. There are two entries for the number of events. max number of events: is the maximum number of events (triggers) that are collected for a threshold point. events is the mean number of hits per channel after a scan point is stopped. Every thousands event the mean number of hits per channel is calculated. If this number is bigger than events the scan point is stopped and the scan continues with the next point.


Select Channels

Only channels that are selected are decoded and used in the analysis. When a detector plane is initiliezed all channels are selected.

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