Author: Wilko
This page was created January 29, 1996, last modified January 30, 1996


The online monitoring program creates a set of standard histograms. In the following N denotes the total number of detector planes (DSP-links) that are readout. The title of every histogram contains, at least, the name of the detector. We follow the histogram numbering scheme from CERN which means that the id of all binary readout histograms is 13000 + i, with i < 999.

In total there are N=6 detector planes (att2, att4, lbic2_0, lbic2_1, ucsc1, ucsc2). Out of these N planes the three detectors, ucsc1, lbic2_0, lbic2_1 are used as anchor planes and the remaining 3 (N-3) detectors are the DUT's.

Wire maps, hits/event, TDC

For the following histograms the readout channel number is always used.

130000 to 130000 + N
1d-histograms of the wire map for each detector. Bad channels are masked out regarding to the bad channel list in the detector description file.
130030 to 130030 + N
1d-histograms of the number of hits per event. Bad channels are masked out.
130050 to 130050 + N
2d-histograms of the number of hits per event versus TDC sync. trigger (x-axis). Bad channels are masked out.
1d-histogram. TDC distribution, synchronized DSP trigger.
1d-histogram. TDC distribution, trigger.
1d-histogram. TDC distribution, delayed trigger.

Correlation between detector planes

For the correlation, difference plots the position is calculated in units of 75 µm, instead of taking the readout channel number.

Correlation between Anchor Planes and DUTS

2d-histogram. Correlation between the two anchor planes lbic2_0 - UCSC1.
2d-histogram. Correlation between the two anchor planes of lbic2_1 - UCSC1.
2d-histogram. Correlation between the two anchor planes of lbic2_1 - lbic2_0.
130205 + (N-3)
2d-histogram. Correlations between the anchor plane (UCSC1) - DUT.


130250, 130300
1d-histogram. Difference between the two anchor planes UCSC1 - lbic2_0. For histogram 130300 the offset, read from the geom file geomSetUp is subtracted:
diff = hit_ucsc1 - offset_ucsc1 - (hit_lbic2 - offset_lbic2)
130251, 130301
1d-histogram. Difference between the two anchor planes UCSC1 - lbic2_1. For histogram 130301 the offset is subtracted.
1d-histogram. Difference between the two anchor planes of lbic2_0 - lbic2_1.
130255 + (N-3)
1d-histogram. Difference between the anchor plane (UCSC1) - DUT, there are (N-3) DUT's.


1d-histogram. Shows for the three duts (att2, att4, ucsc2: 0, 1, 2) the number of tracks reconstructed by the anchor planes. These tracks are within the acceptance (min max channel number in geomSetUp) of the DUT's.
1d-histogram. The number of tracks reconstructed in the DUT's under the assumption that the track is within the acceptance (tracks counted in hist 130380). The ratio of the two histograms 130381 / 130380 is the efficiency of the detector.

Beam Test KEK 96