Interstrip Capacitance ATLAS nn 80AC

Author: Riko Wichmann
This page was created February 7, 1997, last modified February 7, 1997

We measured the interstrip capacitance and the strip resistance of the ATLAS nn 80 AC prototype detectors. The interstrip capacitance was measured between 1 strip and its 5 neighbors on each side. The detector has 6 separate regions which are different in metal width and/or p-stop type:

Region Metal width [µm] p-stop type strip R [ohm] C_inter [pF/6cm]
1 16 slit common 66 5.8
2 16 individual 65 5.9
3 16 combined 66 5.6
4 16 full common 65 6.8
5 22 full common 49 7.7
6 10 full common 104 6.3

CV curves

Conclusion (by H.F.-W. Sadrozinski)

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