Milagro Phone List
Work Phone
Home Phone
Abdo, Aous  Michigan State  517-355-9200 x2142 517-896-4511(cell)
Allen, Branden  U.C. Irvine  949-824-2624  
Berley, David  Univ. of Maryland 301-405-6036 202-362-2804
Blaufuss, Erik Univ. of Maryland 301 405-6077 301-577-0134
Casanova, Sabrina LANL 505-606-0594 505-661-9044 
Chen, Chuan LANL 505-667-6983 949-981-5913(cell) 
Christopher, Grant NYU 212-993-0842 646-705-405(cell) 
Coyne, Don U.C. Santa Cruz 831-459-4754 831-429-5755
Delay, Scott  P-VC/H803 MPF-44  505-665-1406/664-2770 (page)  505-753-9898 
Dingus, Brenda  LANL 505-667-0400 505-661-4001
Ellsworth, R  George Mason U. 703 993-1272  993-1280(secr.)
   " "  Univ. of Maryland  301 405-6036  202 483-7981
Fleysher, Lazar/Roman  NYU  212-443-0837 203-968-9939
Goodman, Jordan  U. Maryland 301-405-5946 301-924-2990
Hays, Elizabeth U Chicago/Argonne UChic.:773-834-7926
Hoffman, Cy  P-23/H803 MPF-44 
Huentemeyer, Petra  LANL  505-606-0594  505-920-4767(cell) 
Kelley, Linda  U. C. Santa Cruz  831-459-3457  408-395-1435
Kolterman, Brian NYU 212-998-7735  
Lansdell, Curtis Univ. of Maryland 505-667-5876 505-412-2753(cell)
Linnemann, Jim Michigan State Univ. 517-884-5565 517-339-6138
Marshall, Owen Univ. of Maryland 505-667-6253 505-603-4333
McEnery, Julie JCA/NASA GSFC 301-286-1632 301-441-1045
Mincer, Allen  N. Y. U.  212-998-7707  212-677-0365
Morgan, Trevor  U. N. H.  603-862-4595 603-305-9221
Nemethy, Peter  N. Y. U.  212-998-7747 NA 
Noyes, David Univ. of Maryland 301 405-6001  
Pretz, John LANL 505-665-5847 505-455-7686
Ryan, James  U. New Hampshire  603-862-3510  603-659-3482
Saz Parkinson, Pablo U.C. Santa Cruz 831-459-4870 831-423-0524
Schneider, Michael  U.C. Santa Cruz 650-926-3669  
Shoup, Tony  U.C. Irvine  949 824-7291  949-766-9349
Sinnis, Gus  P-23/H846 MPF-44 505-667-9217  505-672-0450
Smith, Andy U. Maryland 301-405-2152 301-552-9418
Sullivan, Greg  U. Maryland 301-405-6035  301-570-6826
Vasileiou, Vlasios  U. Maryland 301-405-6034  240-486-9398
Walker, Gary  LANL 505-667-6983  505-672-9299
Williams, David  U. C. Santa Cruz 831-459-3032  831-471-2870
Yodh, Gaurang  U. C. Irvine  949 824-6660 949 824-7478
Former collaborators      
Atkins, Rob  U. of Utah 801-581-6901  
Benbow, Wystan MPI Heidelberg    
Bussons-Gordo, Javier Univ. de Monpellier    
Chen, Mei-Li Oak Ridge 865-241-2850  
DeYoung, Ty Penn State    
Falcone, Abe Purdue Univ. 765 494-5394  
Gisler. Galen  NIS-2/D436  505-667-1375/664-5396(page) 505-672-9578
Gonzalez, Magda UNAM Mexico City    
Haines, Todd  P-23/H803 MPF-45  505-667-3638  505-672-9223
Hugenberger, Scott  U. C. Irvine  (949) 824-6911 ??
Leonor, Isabel Univ. Oregon 541-346-4751  
McCullough, Joe Cabrillo College (831)479-6521  
Morales, Miguel M.I.T. 617-452-3159 781-643-1406
Miller, Richard Univ. New Hampshire 603-862-3664 603-750-4066
Shen, Ben U.C. Riverside  909-787-5309  909-682-6429
Thompson, Neil P-25, LANL, H846 505-667-9982  
Tumer, Tumay  U. C. Riverside  909 787-4701  909 780-4321
Wang, Kelin Amillaire Technologies   (301)208-8159
Wascko, Morgan Louisiana State/Fermilab 630-840-2117  
Westerhoff, Stefan Columbia Univ. 212-854-3316 949-824-7478
Xu, Xianwu      

FAX Numbers

Postal Addresses

Computer Addresses
        Milagro Distribution:
        Collaborators Former Collaborators

DAQ Computers at Fenton Hill
Useful Phone Numbers 
Group/MS Bldg/Room  Phone
Shift Apartment whomever Canyon Village Apt #3105 St. no phone
NetWork Operations CCN-5 667-7423 (7am-5pm M-F) 667-4584 (After Hours-1 hour response)
Jemez Electric Coop Jemez Springs NA 829-3550
P Visitors Center  L-DO/H831  MPF-1/LOBBY  667-7396
P-23 Group Office P-23/H803 MPF-1  667-5005 (P-23 Secretary)
Milagro Counting House  P-23  57-74-101  665-0703/3845
Bucholz, Tom P-FM/D459 667-3676/664-3752
Sandoval, Isaac (FM office) P-FM/D459 667-4612/231-2806
La Cueva Lodge La Cueva NA 505-829-3300
Computer Room (B118) P-23 NA 505-665-1818
TA-53 Guard station     665-7471
Visitor's Office   Bldg 45, Room 102 665-8124
Los Alamos Addresses 

Group/MS  Bldg/Room  Work Phone  Home Phone 
(Original LANL) SHIFT PAGER (only) P-23/H803 NA  664-2099  
DeLay, Scott (use pager!!!!)   P-VC/H831  MPF-44  665-1406/664-2770 (pager)  753-9898/661-4125
Milagro Counting House    57-74-101  665-0703/3845  
Cell phone in LANL car   TA-57 699-1245  
Satellite phone in LANL car   TA-57 881-621-4503 (plus some numbers before)  
Fenton Hill Observatory (Main site)   TA-57 667-7900