Editor's Page
Hello!  This summary of the SCIPP summer program is Mia's first web page.  She thanks Brian Thomas, senior at University of the Pacific, for all of his help in adding images to this site and Wilko Kroeger for his help in putting it on the SCIPP server.

To Deirdre and Nancee, the other teachers involved in the summer program, please feel free to ADD your information and modify what you feel needs HELP.  Since this is my last day and I'm already stressed about school beginning again, I did not add any of your information that was not on disk.  Have a great year...real life must begin :)

To all other readers, I had tons of fun this summer.  Give Hartmut a call 831-459-4670 or hartmut@scipp.ucsc.edu if any of this sounds interesting.  We were paid through ATLAS outreach (UCSC) but we were sponsored, or put in touch with UCSC, by IISME (Industry Initiatives for Science and Math Education).  I couldn't find a web page address for them, but they have an office in Santa Clara and one in Palo Alto.  I suggest calling Laura Horvath, Program and Operations Associate at 408-496-5341 or ldhorvath@aol.com.  My peer coach was Charmaine Kawaguchi and she can be reached at ckawaguchi@aol.com.

If you've been so kind as to read my web page, you will notice the only things I know how to do are change the color, size, and font.  I can link and make words blink.  Next time I will learn to add objects and change the background and......  I apologize for this web page being mostly text, but for two days of work and lots of running around....it's not too bad for a first run.  Thank you for visiting my web site.  Questions about the program can be referred to me at monodera@susd.k12.ca.us.

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