Meteorological Model

Within the Troposphere

These empirical standards describe how a stable atmosphere in complete equilibrium would behave.  Deviations from these standards are used by meteorologists to anticipate movements of air and thereby the weather.

The Standard Lapse Rate is 6.50°C per 1000 m of altitude. 

            T0 = 288 K = +15°C = + 59 °F

The Standard Pressure halves every 5.50 km. 

In the Troposphere, near the surface:

Generally, local sea level pressure (101.3 kPa std) can vary from as low as 98 kPa (with severe stormy weather on its way) to a high of 105 kPa (during a severe heat wave).

However, more commonly, the sea level pressure may normally vary from 100.8 kPa to 101.3 kPa in about 4 hours during good weather. 

Vertical movement of air is generally slow, only about 1.5 km/day

The horizontal Pressure Gradient is generally only up to about 4 mb / 100 km (400 Pa / 100 km = 0.004 Atm / 100 km = 4 x 10-5 Atm / km)

Temperature varies from:

Coldest recorded temperature:       185 K = -88° C = -127° F

A bitter cold day:                               243 K = -30° C = -22° F

T0 = Standard sea level:                   288 K = +15° C = +59° F

Average room temperature:            293 K = +20° C = +68° F

A hot day:                                           313 K = +40° C = +104° F

Highest recorded temperature:       331 K = +58° C = +136° F