Column Options (Column Definition Tab )

You can set or edit display attributes for a defined column in the Column Definition Tab.

Name: Required. The long name is used in graph axis labels, column headings and menus whenever there is sufficient room.  You cannot use a quotation character (“) in the Name

Short Name: Optional. The short name is used in graph axis labels, column headings and menus whenever there is limited room.  If you do not enter a Short Name, the first letter of the Name will be used.

Units: The unit name follows the column name in graph axis labels and column headings.  If the units that you enter are not the same as a visible line on the active graph window, you will be warned that your column will not be automatically shown in the graph.  You can either re-enter units that match a visible line, or click on the Y-axis label in the graph window and select your column to be drawn.

Insert Symbol: Here you can add a frequently used symbol to the name.  Macintosh users can insert symbols by holding down the Option key and pressing:
    p for p
    m for m
    0 for o
    shift and = for +

Note: There are several symbols, and some also vary from font to font. The Key Caps program can be used to see all available symbols.  Key Caps is a program that comes with the MacOS system software.

Generate Column: Check the box to automatically populate the column with generated numeric values or special labels (such as months or data set names).

The minimum and maximum values, along with the increment, can be adjusted. The new manual column will default as a numeric value, with no minimum or maximum value and increment, if the box is not checked.

Lock Column (Prevent Cell Editing): Once a column is locked, its cells cannot be edited.

Treat Column Cells as Text: Check this box to prevent number formatting and allow dates in your column. For example, if you type 10/01 without that checked, it will become a 10, but with this checkbox, it will stay as you typed it.

See Also:
