Copying Data To Microsoft Excel

There are a couple ways to send Graphical Analysis data into an Excel spreadsheet for analysis or graphing.

Copy and Paste:

1. To begin, the data must be visible in a data table in Graphical Analysis.
2. Select the data you want to copy into Excel. You can only copy columns and rows that you select. If you want to copy the whole data table, choose Select All from the Edit menu.
3. Select Copy from the Edit menu to copy the data to the clipboard.
4. Load Excel and the receiving document.
5. In Excel, click on the cell that will be the upper left corner of the data region, then select Paste from the Edit menu or click on the Paste button.
6. If you want to add titles to the columns, enter the text in the cell above the top of each column.

Export as Text:

1. In Graphical Analysis, select Export as Text from the File menu.
2. Save the file with the name of your choise. Notice that it will be saved with a .txt extension.
3. Launch Excel.
4. Choose Open from the File menu. Under Files of type, scroll down and choose Text Files.
5. Select your saved file with the .txt extension, and select Open.
6. You will be sent through three steps. Choose Delimited, then Tab, then General format and click Finish.

Notice that this file will include the data as well as formatting information, including column titles, date, etc.

For more information on Excel, refer to its documentation.