Unloading the Van
Hartmut, Alan, and Charlie setting up
Alan Yang and the transformer
Testing the Jacob's Ladder
Hartmut addressing out audience
The audience
Hartmut during the presentation
Hartmut Sadrozinski
Learning about science
Preparing to see Zorro
Dr. Charlie Crummer as Zorro
Preparing the Tin Woman for zapping
Crummer and Sadrozinski helping Lan
Dr. Lan Zhang boldly sporting her shirt
Dr. Zhang, safe and sound after being zapped
The Tesla Coil
The Tesla Coil
Preparing to be zapped ungrounded
The Tesla Coil
Helping Lan up onto the wooden step
The Tesla Coil
Lightning crackles, but the suit keeps her safe
Unloading the Van
Preparing for the lightning
Alan Yang connecting the wires