e-e- 99:
Proceedings of the Electron-Electron Linear Collider Workshop,
December 10-12, 1999, Santa Cruz, CA
Edited by Clemens A. Heusch,
SCIPP, University of California, Santa Cruz
These Proceedings are published as a special issue of
International Journal of Modern Physics A, Vol. 15, No. 16, June 30, 2000.
Table of Contents
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The Electron-Electron Version of the Linear Collider - A Millennium Update
- Clemens A. Heusch, SCIPP, University of California, Santa Cruz
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Physics at e-e- Colliders
- Jonathan Feng, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University
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- Polarized Møller Scattering Asymmetries
- Andrzej Czarnecki and William J. Marciano, Brookhaven National Laboratory
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Radiative Effects in Polarized Møller Scattering
- V.A. Mossolov, N.M. Shumeiko and J.G. Suarez, National Center of Particle and High Energy Physics, Minsk, Belarus
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Strongly Interacting W Bosons at e-e- Colliders
- Wolfgang Kilian, University of Kakrlsruhe
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Large Extra Dimensions at Linear Colliders
- K. Sridhar, Tata Institute of Fundamental Reserach, Mumbai, India
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TeV Gravity and Kaluza-Klein Excitations in e+e- and e-e- Collisions
- Thomas G. Rizzo, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
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Signals for a Gauge Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking Model at a Future e-e- Collider
- Dilip Kumar Ghosh, Tata Institute of Fundamental Reserach, Mumbai, India
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Experimental Signatures of Split Fermions in Extra Dimensions
- Yuval Grossman, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
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Heavy Majorana Neutrinos in High-Energy e-e- Collisions
Compared with their Effects Inducing Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay
- Clemmens A. Heusch, SCIPP, University of California, Santa Cruz, and
P. Minkowski, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Bern
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How Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Addresses the Problem of Light Neutrino Mass
- A. Wodecki and W.A. Kaminski, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland
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Bilepton Resonance in Electron-Electron Scattering
- Paul H. Frampton, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
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Next Linear Collider: Overview and e-e- Option
- P. Tenenbaum, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
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Charged Particle and Neutron Backgrounds in an e-e- Interaction
Region at the NLC
- Jeff Gronberg, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
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e-e- Switchover in the NLC LINAC
- Raymond S. Larsen, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
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Optimization of NLC Luminosity for e-e- Running
- K. Thompson, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
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Bunch to Bunch Orbit Feedback and Luminosity Considerations of e-e-
Interactions in TESLA
- I. Reyzl and S. Schreiber, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron
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Detector for the TESLA e+e- Collider
- Ron Settles, Max Planck Institute, Munich
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Polarized Electron Beams with P
90%, Will it be Possible?
- A.V. Subashiev and J.E. Clendenin, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
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Polarimetry at a Future Linear Collider - How Precise?
- M. Woods, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
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Depolarization in e+e- and e-e- Collisions
- A. Weidemann, Department of Physics, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
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Limitations Imposed by Beam-Beam Effects and Their Remedies - II
- J. Spencer, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
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Depolarization and Luminosity Issues in a High Energy Linear Collider
- S. Cheshkov and T. Tajima, University of Texas, Austin and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
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Future Lepton Colliders and Laser Accelerators
- Zohreh Parsa, Brookhaven National Laboratory
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Photon Colliders: Key Problems, New Ideas
- Valery Telnov, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia
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Simulation of Laser-Compton Cooling of Electron Beams
- T. Ohgaki, Hiroshima University
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Detection of Top Quarks in a Photon-Photon Collider
- Tohru Takahashi and Katsumasa Ikematsu, Hiroshima University
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Precision Mass Determination of the Higgs Boson at Photon-Photon Colliders
- T. Ohgaki, Hiroshima University
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Signatures of Extra Dimensions at e

- Hooman Davoudiasl, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
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Constraints on Extra Gauge Bosons in e
- Stephen Godfrey, Pat Kalyniak, Basim Kamal, Carleton University,
Ottawa, and Arnd Leike, Ludwigs-Maximilians University, Munich
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Page created May 8, 2000 by
Nora Rogers.