The Re-Entry Captain's Blog for Fall 2012

Team name: Re-Entry (sponsored by STARS)

Captain: Eddie Santos (

Webmaster: Howard Haber (

Entry #1: November 2, 2012

Congratulations team on this week's decisive win! Our victory improves our record to 3-0, and more importantly, coupled with a loss by The Owls, puts us in the drivers seat for a fifth consecutive Re-Entry playoff appearance. We have two more games, against Theta Chi and The Owls, both of whom have shown ability, so we let's keep our foot on the gas and finish off the regular season with a healthy dose of shock and awe for our remaining opponents.

Regarding this week's game, I'd like to give kudos to the ladies for their collective offensive performance! There were a lot of nice base hits finding holes which kept our line-up purring. The men also did a nice job hitting for power today, bringing in runs, and driving the ball well while keeping it low enough to give their defense fits. We also did a good job of talking out in the field. There's no such thing as too much communication on the field, and it made your captain tear up a little on the inside to hear you guys talking it up.

Anyways, rest up and enjoy your weekend -- looking forward to seeing all your bright and smiling faces next week!

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Link to the Fall 2012 Re-Entry Coed Softball team web page
Last Updated: November 3, 2012