Steven M. Ritz



Professor of Physics and SCIPP Director

University of California, Santa Cruz

1156 High Street

Santa Cruz, CA 95064


  1. BulletB.A. with High Honors in Physics, May 1981, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT
    Majors: Physics, Music
    Thesis: A new Apparatus to Study the Transition to Turbulence in Rayleigh-Benard Convection (Advisor: Robert P. Behringer)

  2. BulletM.S. in Physics, December 1982, University of Wisconsin - Madison

  3. BulletPh.D. in Physics, August 1988, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Thesis: A Search for Pair Production of Charged Scalar Particles with Large Hadronic Branching Ratios in e+e- Annihilations at 44 GeV Center of Mass Energy (Advisor: Sau Lan Wu)


2010-present: SCIPP Director, UCSC (Associate Director 2009-2010)

2009-present: Professor of Physics, UCSC

1998-2009: Astrophysicist, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center

2005-2009: Adjunct Professor of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park

1996-1998: Associate Professor of Physics, Columbia University, New York, NY

1990-1996: Assistant Professor of Physics, Columbia University, New York, NY

1988-1990: Post Doctoral Research Scientist, Columbia University, Nevis Labs


Fellow, American Physical Society

NASA Outstanding Leadership Medal

Sloan Foundation Fellow in Physics

Bertman Prize in Physics, Wesleyan University 1981


  1. BulletModern Physics (Relativity and QM) 101A, 2009 and 2010 and 2011, UCSC

  2. BulletIntermediate Laboratory 133, 2010 and 2011, UCSC

  3. BulletPhysics for Poets, 1995-1998, Columbia University

  4. BulletAccelerated Physics (Mechanics, E&M), 1993-1995, Columbia University

  5. BulletGeneral Physics (Mechanics, E&M, Thermodynamics and Optics, Relativity, QM), 1990-1993, Columbia University


2003-2009 GLAST Project Scientist

2000-2003 GLAST Deputy Project Scientist

2004-present GLAST Large Area Telescope (LAT) Deputy PI

CO-I (or collaboration member) EXPERIMENTS:

1996-present GLAST, LAT

1988-98 ZEUS (at DESY)

1986-88 ALEPH (at CERN)

1984-88 TASSO (at DESY)


David Wren (Maryland), graduated summer 2005, currently working in aerospace industry

Luis Reyes (Maryland), graduated spring 2007, currently a Kavli Fellow, University of Chicago

Tyrel Johnson (Maryland), graduated 2010 (supervised by Alice Harding after I left UMD)

Brendan Wells (current UCSC Ph.D. student)


2010 NRC Panel on Implementing Recommendations from the `New Worlds, New Horizons’ Decadal Survey

2010 Chair, LBNL Director’s Review of the Physics Division

2010-present NASA NAC Astrophysics Subcommittee (APS) member and chair of PhysPAG

2010-present SLAC PPA Advisory Committee

2010-present LIGO Astronomy and Astrophysics Advisory Panel (chair starting in 2011)

2010 Visiting Committee OSU Center for Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics

2009 Chair, NSF-DOE Particle Astrophysics Scientific Assessment Group (PASAG) for HEPAP

2009-2010 NRC Astro2010 "Decadal Survey" Committee

2009-present Editorial Board, Reports on Progress in Physics

2009 NSF Panel on LIGO Data Relese

2008-2010 MentorNet (Network for Diversity in Engineering and Science) Mentor

2008-2012 Fermilab Physics Advisory Committee (PAC)

2007- present Advanced LIGO Project Advisory Panel

2007 First International GLAST Symposium Organizer; proceedings editor(w/P. Michelson and C. Meegan)

2006-present IceCube Scientific Advisory Committee

2005-2008 Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel (P5)

2004-2007 DOE-NSF High Energy Physics Advisory Panel (HEPAP)

2004 Committee member, Director's Annual Review of the Physics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

2003-2006 IUPAP Particle and Nuclear Astrophysics and Gravitation International Committee (PaNAGIC)

2003-2005 NASA Astronomy and Physics Working Group (APWG), Universe Working Group (UWG)

1999-2004 DOE-NSF Scientific Assessment Group for Experiments in Non-Accelerator Physics (SAGENAP); Report Coordinator (Chair) in 2002.

2001-2005 Editorial Committee, Annual Reviews of Nuclear and Particle Science

2001Snowmass P4 Physics working group convener on Astro/Cosmo/Particle Physics (with Akerib, Carroll, and Kamionkowski)

2001 Gamma2001 Organizer (with N. Gehrels and C. Shrader); proceedings editor

2001 Vanderbilt series Frontiers in Contemporary Physics, Astrophysics program organizer

1999-2000 Connections: Quarks to the Cosmos Group; 1999 Cosmic Genesis (Sonoma) meeting Topical Group Organizer

2000 VERITAS project science, technical, cost, schedule and management DOE/NSF review (chair)


2011 May, Shanghai Particle Physics and Cosmology Symposium

2011 May, Fermi Symposium (Rome) meeting summary talk

2010 July, SPIE (San Diego) invited plenary talk on “Fermi at Two”

2010 June Aspen Center for Physics Colloquium

2009 January, AAS meeting (Long Beach) invited plenary talk "Fermi at Six Months"

2008 April, St. Louis APS meeting, invited talk on GLAST.

2008 March, Los Angeles High Energy Astrophysics Division of the AAS, invited talk on GLAST.

2006 April, Dallas APS meeting, invited talk on GLAST and the Future of High-energy Gamma-ray Astrophysics.

2003 Physics in Collision, Zeuthen, Germany, Invited Talk on Gamma-ray Astrophysics.

2002 Starry Messages special FNAL lecture series.

2001 Snowmass opening plenary talk on Status and Future of Astro/Cosmo/Particle Physics.

1999 Inner Space/Outerspace II Conference at Fermilab Invited talk.

plus frequent university and national lab colloquia and seminars

Selected Recent Public Lectures and Interviews

2010 April Sonoma State University `What Do Physicists Do?’ series public talk

2007 Science Links, local Washington area science cable TV show

2006 Benjamin Dean Public Lecture, California Academy of Sciences: Seeing the Sky with Gamma-ray Eyes

2006 Static Limit Radio Show Interview, San Francisco

2006 PBS Nova appearance in "Monster of the Milky Way"

Refereed and other Significant Publications

This page was last modified: 20-September-2011