12' + 3' | General Introduction | Bruce Schumm |
20' + 5' | Linear Collider TPC R&D | Ron Settles |
12' + 3' | TPC R&D News from DESY | Felix Sefkow |
17' + 3' | TPC readout with charge dispersion using a resistive anode | Madhu Dixit |
17' + 3' | TPC tracking studies | Dean Karlen |
8' + 2' | Tracking Detector R&D at Cornell and Purdue | Dan Peterson |
17' + 3' | New TPC R&D Results and Plans (LBNL Saclay) | Mike Ronan |
12' + 3' | Scintillating Fiber Intermediate Tracker for Bunch Timing | Rick Van Kooten |
12' + 3' | GEM Forward Tracking | Lee Sawyer |
12' + 3' | Straw Tube Forward Tracking | Keith Baker |
17' + 3' | Long Shaping-time Silicon Readout | Bruce Schumm |
12' + 3' | Summary of Testbeam Needs | Bruce Schumm |
12' + 3' | Search for Smuon and Neutralino; Tracking Issues | Haijun Yang |
12' + 3' | SUSY and Forward Tracking | Bruce Schumm |
4' + 1' | All-axial Tracking | Milind Purohit |
4' + 1' | Forwad Tracking Algorithms | Mike Strauss |
17' + 3' | Tracking Simulation | Norman Graf |
12' + 3' | TPC Tracking Studies | Mike Ronan |
20' + 5' | TPC Detector Response Simulation and Pattern Recognition | Dan Peterson |
17' + 3' | Hardware & Simulation status of Si Drift | Rene Bellwied |
17' + 3' | Radial TPC Development | Giovanni Bonvicini |
12' + 3' | Interferometric Alignment Systems | Keith Riles |
20' | General Discussion | All |