On Drifts

While looking at muon signals in igloos, I came across the following oddity. Check out this here graph (also shown at right) of the one-PE peak in low TOT for igloo #1. The red line is the peak in May, the blue line is the peak in September. Notice that the peak has drifted down by more than a dozen counts. Some of the other igloos exhibit similar behavior.

Let me mention a few things before I go on. First, I have normalized the histograms so that the peaks have the same height. Second, although the drifts in question are small, they are not negligibe, and they appear(ed) to be systematic. In my analysis, I used eight subruns, two consecutive files from each of four randomly chosen tapes. The runs in question were 54_50,51 (from March 20), 226_73,74 (May 25), 423_58,60 (Aug 20) and 484_47,48 (Sept 14). We have, as I'm sure everyone is aware, but four ADC cards which must be moved around frequently, which means that ADC data do not exist for all tubes at all times. Often, the only way to know whether a particular patch was connected to an ADC card at a given time is to look at the data themselves, since changes in the card arrngement have not always been logged. (And occasionally the appropriate changes have not even been made to the ADC map file, which means that some data have been lost to us.) Also, there is no way to know which actual card was plugged into which slot at any given time in the past. Anyway, the point is that when looking at ADC data, I had to take what I could get.

I was prompted to discover this behavior in the first place when it was seen that the muon peaks in the igloos had similarly shifted, and Cy suggested that I check the one PE peak postition to be sure that I understood the origin of the muon peak shift. If the muon peak postion had drifted down but the one-PE peak position was constant, then I could pretty safely say that it was due to a change in the number of PEs that were hitting the igloo tube in a muon hit, which would indicate a change in the water quality. This was not the case.

The next step was to look at the rest of the tubes and see if they displayed similar behavior. Initially, it appeared as if they did. I began with some tubes in the first patch, looking at two subruns for each tube inspected, both ADC and TOT data. I examined the positions of the one PE peaks as a function of time in these data. Shown at left is the one PE peak for tube 3 in low TOT. Again, the red line is the earlier peak, this time from March, and the blue line is from September again.

The ADC equivalent of a TOT one-PE peak shift is a change in the difference between the one-PE peak and the pedestal peak, which I will call delta. So I also looked at the ADC spectra. There I found some confusing behavior in the first tubes that I examined. Take for example tube 10. The pedestal drifts down as a function of time, while delta jumps up between March and May, but is nearly unchanged between May and September. The ADC behavior of tube 15 also changes as a function of time, but in a different way. Here the pedestal gradually drifts down over time as well, but now delta drops down from March to May, and is again constant from May to September. These tubes are both in patch 1. My first look at patch 2 showed something a little different. Tube 25 shows basically no change in delta, but the pedestal positions drops 4 channels from May to September after remaining constant between March and May. That seemed strange to me. "So how about patch 3?" thought I. Well, my first look at patch 3, tube 35, showed what looked like plain old pedestal drift. Here I saw no change in delta, and a consistent downward drift in the pedestal peak position.

Eventually I decided that this hunt and peck method of data analysis was wasting time, so I automated the process some. Using some PAW macros, I fitted the one-PE peak of each tube's TOT data, and the one PE and ped peaks from each tube's ADC data, from the first three patches (for which I had ADC data as well as TOT) and dumped these numbers to a file. Then I found the change in (TOT) one PE peak position and (ADC)delta between each of the successive runs that I was using. Below I have two tables which contain the changes in TOT one PE peak position and ADC delta for each tube in the first three patches. Below these I have the mean and standard deviation of the TOT one PE peak shift for the first three patches and then a several extra patches for good measure. What I see in these numbers, and I hope you'll agree with me, gentle reader, is that there is no systematic drift in the one PE peak position. I see nothing characteristic about these changes. I don't know exactly what lesson this should teach us. Certainly it should illustrate the importance of frequent adc calibrations.

So, to prove to you that I'm not a liar, let me show you some numbers.


Change in delta in ADC channels between the months indicated.

DISCLAIMER:The following datafiles were corrupted somehow when I was writing this html crap. Any number greater than 50 should be disregarded. In such a case, assume that there is no datum, and check back in a day to see the real result.

Chan March-May May-Aug Aug-Sept May-Sept
1.-15.016998 46.994995 -51.348999 -4.354004
2.-1.845993 31.840988 -31.304993 0.535995
3.2.649979 28.284012 -27.187012 1.097000
4.-10.062988 29.797989 -29.748001 0.049988
5.21.640015 17.875000 -17.051971 0.823029
6.-4.059021 37.046021 -36.393005 0.653015
7.-5.864014 30.210999 --- ---
8.11.011993 23.424011 -22.920990 0.503021
9.7.628998 32.333008 -141.092987 -108.759979
10.-14.000000 39.054993 -38.825989 0.229004
11.1.740982 22.941010 -21.180008 1.761002
12.4.666016 23.580994 -24.164001 -0.583008
13. --- --- --- ---
14.-8.686951 28.217957 -26.663025 1.554932
15.11.434998 18.362000 -17.064011 1.297989
16. --- 28.151978 -27.721985 0.429993
17. --- --- -0.065994 ---
18. --- 0.864014 -0.187988 0.676025
19. --- 9.871017 -0.548996 9.322021
20.0.000000 --- -0.626999 ---
21. --- 2.384995 -0.175995 2.209000
22. --- --- 48.000000 ---
23. --- -0.391998 -0.391998 -0.783997
24. --- 1.283020 -0.713013 0.570007
25.-6.980011 8.967010 0.428009 9.395020
26.0.030975 -1.078003 0.667999 -0.410004
27.0.111504 -0.927406 -0.033691 -0.961098
28.4.065002 1.152008 0.320984 1.472992
29.0.692017 1145.739990 -1145.770996 -0.031006
30.4.610016 1738.703003 -184.00 1554.703003
31. --- --- -43.545700 ---
32.16.273010 -16.967987 -0.014023 -16.982010
33.20.071014 -1.486969 --- ---
34.20.660004 -1.220978 1.286957 -20.594025
35.23.975006 -0.423004 0.774017 -23.623993
36.30.393005 -2.047974 2.210968 -30.230011
37.19.063995 0.078979 -0.117981 -19.102997
38.28.033020 3.104004 -0.478943 -25.407959
39.29.523010 -1.622986 0.440002 -30.705994
40.30.287964 2.172974 1.091980 -27.023010
41.26.818008 -2.463974 0.672974 -28.609009
42.18.320007 1.080994 0.149017 -17.089996
43.17.318008 0.826210 -0.592201 -17.084000
44.16.152008 --- --- -18.831009
45.16.498962 0.075989 0.255981 -16.166992
46.23.164001 1.712006 0.203979 -21.248016
47.15.795990 -0.729034 -0.082977 -16.608002
48.14.758598 -0.708412 3.244411 -12.222599

Go back to the discussion of these tables.


Change in one-PE peak position in low TOT channels between the months indicated.

DISCLAIMER:The following datafiles were corrupted somehow when I was writing this html crap. Any number greater than 50 should be disregarded. In such a case, assume that there is no datum, and check back in a day to see the real result.

Chan March-May May-Aug Aug-Sept May-Sept
1. 1.045990 477.891998 -478.730011 -0.838013
2. 1.685974 386.028015 -383.454010 2.574005
3. 7.782990 358.194000 -353.821991 4.372009
4. 2.371002 386.993988 -384.502014 2.491974
5. 20.932983 283.811005 -277.721985 6.089020
6. 5.167999 418.338013 -413.976013 4.362000
7. 10.817017 392.316986 -400.000000 -7.683014
8. 11.450989 345.654999 -325.595001 20.059998
9. 3.20700 390.902008 -387.670990 3.231018
10.8.149017 426.868988 -424.752991 2.115997
11.13.701996 356.816010 -332.993011 23.822998
12.2.010010 357.834991 -358.516998 -0.682007
13.3.076996 367.187012 -365.390015 1.796997
14.12.864990 382.770996 -379.283997 3.487000
15.4.378021 310.437988 -299.002014 11.435974
16.7.161987 388.752014 -383.865997 4.886017
17.4.915985 3.788025 2.953003 6.741028
18.9.314026 -1.444000 1.888977 0.444977
19.5.438019 -2.919006 5.209991 2.290985
20..906006 0.768982 1.084015 1.852997
21.3.170013 2.894989 -1.139008 1.755981
22. --- --- --- ---
23.-0.046997 -9.373016 -0.173981 -9.546997
24.-0.042999 -0.352997 0.082977 -0.270020
25.17.579010 15.608002 17.881012 33.489014
26.6.634979-7.740997 1.042999 -6.697998
27.1.580994 -10.184021 0.369019 -9.815002
28.3.412994 6.377991 3.337006 9.714996
29.3.141998 -0.828003 4.074005 3.246002
30.-0.781988.868988 0.000000 8.868988
31.-11.944992 -7.701996 3.177994 -4.524002
33.309.061005 -1.863983 -4.289001 -315.213989
34.316.826996 -5.056000 1.652985 -320.230011
35.329.346985 -0.872009 -0.699005 -330.917999
36.371.096985 -5.980011 2.610992 -374.46600
37.298.260010 -3.399994 1.498016 -300.161987
38.396.997009 20.735016 0.606995 -375.654999
39.370.552002 -17.710999 4.980988 -383.282013
40.393.289001 10.723999 11.154999 -371.410004
41.337.608002 -11.088013 1.277008 -347.419006
42.293.033997 3.121002 2.796997 -287.115997
43.273.734985 -0.892029 0.873016 -273.753998
44.266.152008 -8.847992 10.386993 -264.613007
45.283.723999 0.328003 -0.472015 -283.868011
46.334.177002 15.744995 0.742004 -317.690002
47.254.535995 -3.948013 3.296005 -255.188004
48.250.076996 -1.960007 0.628006 -251.408997

Go back to the discussion of these tables.

TOT Patches

Patch 1March-May7.1070611.381960
May-Aug 7.8799402.229927
Patch 2March-May3.519789 .667747
May-Aug 3.4870702.908187
Patch 3March-May2.252248 1.211164
May-Aug -0.6853772.344738
Aug-Sept2.315311 0.936785
Patch 4March-May-1.7014291.065861
May-Aug -1.2910591.829134
Aug-Sept1.352497 1.150724
May-Sept1.762867 1.565443
Patch 6March-May-0.0352480.383684
May-Aug -2.3703081.098859
Aug-Sept0.843312 0.192156
Patch 8March-May0.851317 0.719191
May-Aug -1.4697511.850026
Aug-Sept0.644250 0.249579
Patch 12March-May-2.9867551.048841
May-Aug -4.2720662.651788
Aug-Sept0.689379 0.449091
Patch 14March-May-0.9193321.121656
May-Aug -5.0436722.577475
Patch 16March-May0.925537 0.954486
May-Aug 0.405601 1.444509
Aug-Sept1.186534 0.583331
May-Sept0.917531 0.715312

Go back to the discussion of these tables.

Morgan Wascko
Last modified: Fri Dec 5 16:43:33 MST