Tesla Jeltema

Professor, University of California, Santa Cruz
Associate Director, Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics

Office: ISB 305
Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064

E-mail: tesla at ucsc dot edu

APS Conference for Undergraduate Women and Gender Minorities in Physics at UCSC

Physics at UCSC: Department of Physics, Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics

Publication List (ADS)

Research Interests

Broadly speaking, my research focuses on observational cosmology and particle astrophysics, including constraints on the nature of dark matter and dark energy and studies of the evolution of galaxies. In particular, I study the formation and evolution of large-scale structure in the universe using observations covering a broad wavelength range and numerical simulations.

I currently serve as the Deputy Spokesperson of the LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration (DESC).

  1. Cosmology with Large-Scale Structure (Clusters of Galaxies, Strong Lensing)
    1. Rubin Observatory LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration (DESC)
    2. Dark Energy Survey (DES)
    3. Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI)

  2. The Nature of Dark Matter
    1. Constraints on dark matter self-interaction
    2. Multiwavelength searches for DM annihilation/decay
    3. Strong lensing constraints on dark matter

  3. Galaxy Evolution
    1. The effects of environment on ealaxies
    2. AGN populations as a function of environment
    3. Non-thermal emission and particle acceleration

Selected Service and Mentoring

  1. LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration:
    1. Deputy Spokesperson, 2023-present
    2. Operations Committee 2023-present
    3. Mentoring Committee, co-chair 2023-present, member 2022-present
    4. February 2024 Virtual Collaboration Meeting SOC co-chair
    5. Speaker's Bureau co-chair, 2021-2023

  2. Dark Energy Survey:
    1. Advisory Board, 2020-2023
    2. Cluster Working Group co-chair, 2017-2021
    3. Publication Board, 2014-2020
    4. Ombudsperson, 2016-2017
    5. Meeting Steering Committee Chair, 2015-2017

  3. Dark Energy Spectroscopic Survey:
    1. Speaker's Board, 2024-present

  1. Mentoring:
    Mentoring is a true passion of mine, and I have been fortunate to work with a talented, diverse group of students. My research group typically includes 3-5 graduate students and 4-8 undergraduate or postbaccalaureate students. In addition, I act or have acted as a mentor in several additional programs.
    1. 2020 Meenakshi Narain Mentoring Award from APS
    2. Cal-Bridge mentor or summer research mentor, 2019-present
    3. DESC mentor, 2022-present
    4. DES mentor, 2020-2023
    5. UCSC STEM Diversity Research mentor (CAMP and UC LEADS)
    6. Science Internship Program for high school students, co-mentor
    7. UCSC Faculty Mentor Program

  2. Selected other service:
    1. Cal-Bridge Steering Committee, 2024-present
    2. APS CU*iP 2023 and 2015 at UCSC, lead faculty organizer
    3. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee UCSC PBSci Division, 2020-2022
    4. Physics Department Diversity and Climate Committee, 2018-2020
    5. UCSC Women in Physics and Astrophysics Club, founder and faculty advisor, 2011-present
    6. UCSC Committee on Faculty Welfare, 2017-2020


Most of my free time is spent with my family. I also swim (select swims and results). I train with the Santa Cruz Masters, and I particularly like open water swimming.