Subsystem Manager's Page
contains subsystem-steering information
such as WBS, schedule, action items, and weekly progress reports.
Tracker-Related Meetings
lists periodical and non-periodical meetings relating to GLAST tracker.
Agendas, minutes, and materials for meetings are also available.
System Engineering page
summarizes current tracker design by listing
tracker requirements, interface description, trade study, etc.
Front-End Electronics page
contains information, manuals, and pictures of tracker front-end
electronics (GTFE64, GTRC, and HDI). Methods and results of electrical
tests of the electronics are also available here.
Silicon Detector page
contains design of silicon strip detector for GLAST tracker,
detector specs, RFI (Request For Interest) document package,
measurement results on Hamamatsu 4/6-inch detectors
(mechanical and electrical), etc.
Mechanical Engineering page
contains mechanical specs, tests (methods and results),
assembly issues (proposed process, jigging, choice of adhesives, etc.)
thermal requirements, etc.
Software Page
explains basic idea on track-finding and gamma-ray reconstruction
and data processing method for beam test 99/00
(ROOT format, reconstruction package "tb_recon", etc.).
It also contains results from tracker simulations with Glastsim.
Tracker Construction page
contains materials relating to the tracker construction database,
the naming convention of components, etc.
BFEM Tracker page
contains information about the BFEM tracker (balloon flight tracker).
BTEM Tracker page
contains information about the BTEM tracker (beam test tracker)
such as
user guide of the BTEM tracker, assembly process and statistics,
and performance of the BTEM tracker.
Beam Test 99/00 page
contains methods and results on data analysis of the beam test data
obtained in the BTEM tracker at SLAC in Dec. 1999 and Jan. 2000.
Beam Test 97 page
contains figures, plots, and pictures relating to the beam test
of the GLAST six-board tracker at SLAC in Oct. and Nov. 1997.
Test Setups in GLAST Lab
lists manuals of test setups and drawings of test boards
used in GLAST laboratory at SCIPP.
GLAST Lab Facilities
shows you facilities in GLAST Lab (and in other laboratories at
SCIPP also), including an automatic wire-bonder, an automatic
probe station, our clean room, etc.
Photo Gallery
shows you pictures of detectors, electronics, tracker tower, etc.
Some are useful for presentations, and others are good information
for tests and assemblies in the future, such as problems identified
during the assembly process of BTEM tracker.
Publications, Talks, and Posters page
gives you a list of GLAST-related publications, conference reports,
slides from talks, and posters presented by GLAST@SCIPP member(s).