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dataIOROOTServer Class Reference

It stores the ROOT trees Servers and histograms. More...

#include <dataIOROOTServer.h>

Inheritance diagram for dataIOROOTServer:

IOfileServer IOfileVI serviceI messageVI optionVI nameVI nameVI List of all members.

Public Methods

 dataIOROOTServer ()

 ~dataIOROOTServer ()

rTreeInServertreeIn () const
 returns a pointer to the Input root-tree Server.

rTreeOutServertreeOut () const
 returns a pointer to the Output root-tree Server.

rHistoOutServerhisto () const
 returns a pointer to the histo Server.

Protected Methods

virtual void defineIOfiles ()
 define the input and output IOfileVI.

Private Attributes

 pointer to the input root-tree Server.

 pointer to the output root-tree Server.

 pointer to the histo Server.


class  dataManager

Detailed Description

It stores the ROOT trees Servers and histograms.

dataIOROOTServer is an implementation of permanent data Server for ROOT.
dataIOROOTServer has the services of the IOServer.
dataIOROOTServer has defined: rTreeInServer, rTreeOutServer, rHistoOutServer. For the input tree, output tree and output histogram main file. The user should typedef to his/her implementation classes in userIOfiles.


Definition at line 50 of file dataIOROOTServer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

dataIOROOTServer::dataIOROOTServer ( )


Definition at line 13 of file dataIOROOTServer.cxx.

dataIOROOTServer::~dataIOROOTServer ( )


Definition at line 32 of file dataIOROOTServer.cxx.

Member Function Documentation

void dataIOROOTServer::defineIOfiles ( ) [inline, protected, virtual]

define the input and output IOfileVI.

Reimplemented from IOfileServer.

Definition at line 24 of file dataIOROOTServer.cxx.

rHistoOutServer * dataIOROOTServer::histo ( ) const

returns a pointer to the histo Server.

Definition at line 10 of file dataIOROOTServer.cxx.

rTreeInServer * dataIOROOTServer::treeIn ( ) const

returns a pointer to the Input root-tree Server.

Definition at line 8 of file dataIOROOTServer.cxx.

rTreeOutServer * dataIOROOTServer::treeOut ( ) const

returns a pointer to the Output root-tree Server.

Definition at line 9 of file dataIOROOTServer.cxx.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

class dataManager [friend]

Definition at line 53 of file dataIOROOTServer.h.

Member Data Documentation

rHistoOutServer * dataIOROOTServer::m_Histo [private]

pointer to the histo Server.

Definition at line 81 of file dataIOROOTServer.h.

rTreeInServer * dataIOROOTServer::m_TreeIn [private]

pointer to the input root-tree Server.

Definition at line 77 of file dataIOROOTServer.h.

rTreeOutServer * dataIOROOTServer::m_TreeOut [private]

pointer to the output root-tree Server.

Definition at line 79 of file dataIOROOTServer.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated at Fri Aug 18 12:57:40 2000 for centella framework by doxygen 1.1.3 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000