TB Recon - Centella
How To
How to?
How to get centella?
Centella is under glast.stanford.edu/cvs repository. Simple checkout "tb_recon".
To obtain a specific tagged version, use "cvs co -r 'tagName' tb_recon"
For WinNT: The workspace is called centella1.dsw
Were does Centella run?
Centella should compile and run under WinNT, Linux and Solaris.
Do not forget to link with the ROOT libraries (v2.22).
How to compile Centella?
Under winNT:
Make sure your ROOTSYS environment variable is set (use ROOT v2.22)
Also, %ROOTSYS%\bin should be added to your path.
After build B060900 you should also link with TBEvent library which contains the raw data ROOT tree classes.
To create the TBEvent library and link it in tb_recon, you should:
- CVS checkout the project "TBEvent".
- Execute "dorootcint" under your TBEvent\TBEvent folder.
NOTE: one must execute dorootcint.bat from within the TBEvent\TBEvent directory.
- Open the workspace TBEvent.dsw and compile it.
- Create a System variable called "TBEVENT_DIR" that points to your TBEvent folder.
(i.e TBEVENT_DIR = "D:\TBEvent");
- Add %TBEVENT_DIR%\bin\Debug and %TBEVENT_DIR%\bin\Release to your path.
Go to the tb_recon\RootTree directory and execute the "dorootcint.bat".
NOTE: one must execute dorootcint.bat from within the RootTree directory.
Compile centella by opening the workspace centella1.dsw
Choose the "all" project.
Under the Build menu, choose "Build" - this will build centella, centellaGUI, and the RootReader library.
Under UNIX:
Make sure your ROOTSYS environment variable is set (use ROOT v2.22)
Also, $ROOTSYS/bin should be added to your path.
Add $ROOTSYS/lib to your $LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
After build B060900 you should also link with TBEvent library which contains the raw data ROOT tree classes.
To create the TBEvent library and link it in tb_recon, you should:
- CVS checkout the project "TBEvent".
- Run autogen, configure, and make to create the TBEvent library.
- Under the tb_recon directory type "autogen"
- Next execute "configure"
NOTE for Solaris: execute "configure --disable-shared"
Centella on Solaris will only work with the static version of the TBEvent library - for now!
- Then type "make"
- Create an Environment variable called "TBEVENT_DIR" that points to your TBEvent folder.
(i.e TBEVENT_DIR = "/mydirectory/TBEvent")
- If you don't have motif, do one of the following:
Install lesstif-0.89.9-2, which can be found at www.rpmfind.com.
Modify the Makefile.am file under the top-level tb_recon directory
Remove the centellaGUI and motifgui entries under SUBDIRS
This will allow you to compile the batch version centella
How to run Centella?
There are two programs: a console version (centella) and a GUI version (centellaGUI). The console version should be used to analyze data. The GUI version, which is not a GUI version and more a graphic display, should be used to display events and for debugging purposes. Note that the GUI version is in a preliminary stage.
Under Win NT:
Debug Version: The executable will be located under the centella/Debug or centellaGUI/Debug directory.
Release Version: The executable will be located under the centella/Release or centellaGUI/Release directory.
Under Unix:
The executable will be located under the centella or centellaGUI directory.
How to set my options?
Both centella and centellaGUI takes the name if an input file as the first argument to the executable, i.e. "centella.exe centella.in"
If no arguments are provided to the program, It will look for "centella.in" file in the same directory where you started centella.
ex) Suppose you are in the "D:\tb_recon" directory. At the prompt you type "centella\Debug\centella.exe". No arguments have been provided. centella will look for the "centella.in" file in the "D:\tb_recon" directory - since that is where we were located when we started centella.
Please, have a look at "centella.in" to learn how to set options.
You can always indicate the full path in the command line (i.e: "centella D:\centella\centella.in").
Users must edit the centella.in file to update directory paths in order to run centella successfully!
Note: that all CAL calibration files are located in the top-level tb_recon directory, so modify all paths to point to the files on your local system.
How to use centella framework?
Please see: centella UCSC web page Visit UserGuide or centellaSys classes.
How to get the documentation of Centella?
Go to UCSC web page
or use doxygen.
You can dowload free doxygen from the web. To get the documentation run "doxygen tb_recon.dox" in tb_recon folder. It should create a html and latex directories with all the documentation. You can start browsing the files html/index.html or html/class_centella.html.
How read the RECON output Tree?
See ROOT Recon reader document .
How to read both the Raw and Recon ROOT trees?
See ROOT Recon reader document.
For comments and questions e-mail to: Jose A. Hernando