
  1. Configuration File
  2. Detector Description file
  3. Autopilot Files

Configuration File (config)

The configuration file config contains the startup informations about the readout configurations. It contains:

The file name must be config and it must be located in the local directory in which daq.exe is started.

#      directories
dataDir:        data
detectorDir:    detectors
ctrlBlkDir:     cb
autoPilotDir:   autop
#   dsp address
dsp:  0x00080000
#   detector planes
link:  0  kek1_a
link:  1  kek1_b

The key words dataDir:, detectorDir:, ctrlBlkDir and autoPilotDir: specify the directory names the program searches to find files.

dsp: is the base address of the dsp. The dsp address has to be specified.

link: linkNr fileName tells the program that the detector plane with the detector description file fileName is connected to link linkNr.

Detector Description Files

A detector description file contains information about a detector plane. If a detector plane is added to the readout (using the Setup property page), the corresponding detector description file is executed. The following example lists all possible options.

chips: N
number of readout chips (CDP's). The total number of readout channels is 128 * N
counterVal: N
The counter value is the data size in bytes. If the value is not given the counter value is calculated from the number of chips. nChips = 3: counter_value = 54; nChips = 6: counter_value = 105;
loops: n
number of loops an fifo is executed using the doCalibrate command. The maximum number of loops is given by the memory of the dsp, the number of readout triggers within one execution of a control block and the data size (depends on the number of chips) from the detector plane.
calDelay: N
delay of the calibration pulse. N must be between 0 and 255. For most of the ll-cards the full range corresponds to a delay between 0ns and 75ns. The correct value for the delay is obtained by a delay scan measuring the efficiency versus delay.
hit_type: 0/1
The hit type specifies if a 0 or 1 is interpreted as a hit. For most of the newer detectors a 0 is the hit type.
V_ref, v_att, v_cal, v_thres: V
dac settings. v_thres is in [mV] all ohter values are in [V].
CB_cal: file N1 .... N4
Calibration control block file and the channels (modulo 4) the calibration pulse is seen.
CB_cal: cal_0.cb 1calibration signal is seen in the readout channels 1, 5, 9, ....
CB_cal: cal_0.cb 0 3 calibration signal is seen in the readout channels 0, 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, ......
  #  detector description file
  chips:            3
  counterVal:      54
  loops:           60
  calDelay:       110      
  hit_type:         0

  v_ref:       1.8      // in V
  v_att:       0.0      // in V
  v_cal:       0.0      // in V
  v_thres:     200      // in mV

  # ---------------------------
  #   control blocks
  # ---------------------------
  CB_cal:     cal_0.cb  0
  CB_cal:     cal_1.cb  2

Autopilot Files

   events:   300
   #calib:   start  stop,  stepSize,  threshold[mV], fname
   calib:    0.05   0.8  0.05    100   qin0
   calib:    0.05   0.8  0.05    120   qin1
   calib:    0.1    0.9  0.05    140   qin2
   calib:    0.05   1.1  0.1     160   qin3
   calib:    0.2    1.1  0.1     180   qin4
   calib:    0.2    1.1  0.1     200   qin5
   calib:    0.2    1.1  0.1     220   qin6
   calib:    0.3    1.2  0.1     260   qin7
   thres_dac:   230
   vref_dac:    1.9
   vatt_dac:    0.0
   vcal_dac:    1.0

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