Setup Property Page

The Setup property page is to load a dsp card to the readout (this option is disabled in the moment) and to connect detector planes to the dsp links.

Detector Planes

A detector plane is connected to a link of a dsp by specifying a file name that contains a list of parameters for this plane (e.g.: number of readout chips, counter value, v_ref..).

Add a Detector Plane

  1. select the link using the select link: combo box.
  2. type in the file name (the detector description file) in the file name: box. Click on the add button.
  3. If the file name was found and loading was successfull the file name appears close to the corresponding link button.
  4. to change parameters and perform runs click on the link button. A new detector plane dialog box will be opened.

Remove a Detector Plane

  1. select the link using the select link: combo box.
  2. Click on the remove button to remove the detector plane from the readout.

Perform Runs / Change Parameters

  1. click on the link N button. A new detector plane dialog box will be opened.

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