Friday 10/19: Tesla Coil Demo at Natomas High School in Sacramento
2 Tesla Coil shows: 1:30PM to 2:10Pm; 2:30 PM to 3:10PM.
followed by a Barbecue at James Dann Sr.s farm in Dixon, CA
Saturday 10/20 9am - 5pm: GLAST Balloon Flight http://scipp.ucsc.edu/outreach/balloon
James Dann Sr.s farm in Dixon, CA
1) Balloon flight video Hartmut Decide on clips
2) Analysis of environmental data Briber Acceleration/Hartmut T, a, h
3) Analysis of science data James in progress
4) Analysis of small balloon data Steve Starting now
5) Curriculum development All
6) Web site ideas All
7) Future Collaboration with NSBF Terry Contacted D. Ball
H. Sadrozinski, T. Schalk, B. Keeney, H. Ohyama - UC Santa Cruz
P. Graham - Cabrillo College
J. Dann Sr, J.Frazier, S. Cullinan, C.Connelly - Natomas HS
J Dann, Jr. - St. Ignatius HS
S. Briber - Independence HS
S. Kliewer - Paso Robles HS
R. Shapiro - Lowell HS (and spouses for the social parts)
Thinking about Balloon experiments between now and summer 2002, develop small balloon experiments in each class, send to Danny Ball, or launch tethered small balloon ourselves:
-Free flight acceleration James Dann
-Tension in line James Dann
-Camera Paul Graham
-Volume of Balloon Stuart Briber
-Sound 1/r^2, Doppler Paul Graham
-Radiation Monitor James Dann
-Ben Franklin Stuart Briber
-Magnetic field Richard Shapiro
-Pressure. Temp, Hum. Steve Kliewer
Planning for Next Year 3 stage program:
-organizational meeting
-Summer program
-3 weeks: digesting this years data and structuring for packaging
-2 weeks: "University of California Teacher Space Institute "
Balloon day : meeting of schools on the ranch, contest to go to Palestine
Additional Discusions:
-Explain what we will do, what participants get out of it.
-Focus the program
-Doing something to help with class room preparation
-Arrrange for Particle physics, Astro lectures
Resources: balloons, instruments, cameras, DAQ systems
Here for the SCIPP GLAST Balloon Retreat Program Word Document
Balloon Retreat Info Page