Align Objects

For organizational purposes, helper objects can be arranged to various parts of the page.

Align Objects contains the following submenus:
Align Top:  Align objects by top edges.
Align Left:  Align objects by left edges.
Align Right:  Align objects by right edges.
Align Bottom: Align objects by bottom edges.

Align Top Left: Align objects by top left corners.
Align Top Right:  Align objects by top right corners.
Align Bottom Left:  Align objects by bottom left corners.
Align Bottom Right:  Align objects by bottom right corners.

Align Centers:  Align objects centers.
Align Vertical Centers: Align objects by vertical centers only.
Align Horizontal Centers: Align objects by horizontal  centers only.

Space Evenly Across: Make horizontal spacing between objects uniform.
Space Evenly Down: Make vertical spacing between objects uniform.

Objects can be aligned by selecting  more than one object and choosing Align from the Page Menu.

Note: This feature is disabled if objects are locked.

See Also:

Helper Objects

Managing Objects