Page Menu

The Page menu allows you to create new pages within a document and move easily among them.  Each page can be modified to your specifications.

The following three options can also be accessed by the Toolbar
Previous Page Brings up the previous page (if any) of the current document.
Next Page Brings up the next page (if any) of the current document.
Go To Page Brings up a dialog that lists all the pages in a document.

Add Page Adds a new blank page.
Delete Page Deletes the current page.

Page Layout View Used for viewing the application either in screen or page 
layout mode.
Page Options Lets you choose background color, edit notes about the page, 
or rename the page.

Group Selects objects into one object.
Ungroup Breaks up selected group objects into constituent objects.

Align Objects Arranges helper objects to various parts of the page.
Layer Objects This command allows you to place objects on top or under 
other page objects.
Lock Holds selected objects positions so they cannot be moved or deleted.
Unlock Frees all locked objects so they can be individually moved or deleted.

Auto Arrange Arranges all the objects on the page so that overlapping of objects 
is minimized.