Spring 2007 UCSC Intramural Coed Softball Team
Team name: Re-entry (sponsored by
Manager: Harrison Ellman
The Spring 2007 Coed Softball Team at Tony and Alba's---Take 1
back row (standing from left to right): Asher, Rob, Justin and Clara
middle row (standing from left to right): Dom, Emily, Josh and Howie
front row (seated from left to right):
Tracy, Kim, Allison and Harrison
The Spring 2007 Coed Softball Team at Tony and Alba's---Take 2
The Spring 2007 Coed Softball Team at Tony and Alba's---Take 3
The Spring 2007 Coed Softball Team at Tony and Alba's---Take 4
Justin and Tracy
Asher and Josh
Kim and Dom
Harrison and Clara
Emily and Rob
Allison, Howie and Rob
Josh, Harrison, Clara, Allison and Howie
The fate of two extra large pizzas
Emily, Rob, Kim and Dom contemplate the team's accomplishments
Link to
the Spring 2007 Re-Entry Coed Softball team web page
Last Updated: June 9, 2007