Safety is an ongoing responsibility shared by all of us at SCIPP. Our goal is to maintain a comprehensive and appropriate safety program that supports SCIPP research.
As a reminder, everybody must receive safety training before working in the lab. Additional training may also be needed prior to the use of certain equipment. See the SCIPP Lab Safety Manager for the lab rooms you will be working in for information on necessary training. If you have any safety questions or concerns, please talk with your PI or one of the SCIPP Lab Safety Managers.
The following are SCIPP Safety Manager contacts:
Max Wilder for Nat Sci II labs 361, 365, 369, 377, 383 and 389
David Williams for Nat Sci II labs 312, 314 and 316
Sasha Sher Nat Sci II lab 320
Robert Johnson for Nat Sci II lab 334
Margaret Wuerth for other SCIPP spaces including offices, conference rooms and shared spaces.
You may also report a safety concern anonymously to UCSC Environmental Health & Safety at 459-2553.
Everyone at SCIPP should feel safe. We are always available to discuss your safety concerns or ideas. Please don't hesitate to contact us. |