Selected Publications and Writings
E. Spencer, A.A. Grillo, M. Wilder, “Evaluation of EMI Shielding for Particle Physics Detectors”, to be submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods.
A.A. Grillo, “Primer on Detectors and Electronics for Particle Physics Experiments”, arXiv:1906.04829v1 (2019).
P. Rose, A.A. Grillo, V. Fadeyev, E. Spencer, M. Wilder and M. Domingo, “Simulation of the ATLAS SCT barrel module response to LHC beam loss scenarios”, 2014 JINST 9 C03012.[.
M. Ullán, V. Benítez, D. Quirion, M. Zabala, G. Pellegrini, M. Lozano, C. Lacasta, U. Soldevila, C. García, V. Fadeyev, J. Wortman, J. DeFilippis, M. Shumko, A.A. Grillo, H.F.-W. Sadrozinski, “Low-resistance strip sensors for beam-loss event protection”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A765, 252 (2014).
R.W. Herrick, A. Dafinca, P. Farthouat, A.A. Grillo, S.J.McMahan, A.R. Weidberg, “Corrosion-based Failure of Oxide-Aperture VCSELs”, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 49, 1045 (2013).
S. Diez, T. Clark, A.A. Grillo, W. Kononenko, F. Martinez-McKinney, F.M. Newcomer, M. Norgren, S. Rescia, E. Spencer, H. Spieler, M. Wilder, “Radiation Hardness Evaluation of a 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS technology for High Energy Physics Applications, 2013 JINST 8 P10009.
M. Ullán, M. Wilder, H. Spieler, E. Spencer, S. Rescia, F.M. Newcomer, F. Martinez-McKinney, W. Konoenko, A.A. Grillo, S. Díez, “Enhanced Low Dose Rate Sensitivity (ELDRS) Tests on Advanced SiGe Bipolar Transistors for Very High Total Dose Applications”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A724, 41 (2013).
A.A. Grillo, "Electronics Requirements for Collider Physics Experiments", in Extreme Environment Electronics, J.D. Cressler & H.A. Mantooth, Ed., Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press, pp 887-894 (2012).
The ALTAS Collaboration (G. Aad et al.), “A particle consistent with the Higgs Boson observed with the ATLAS Detector at the Large Hadron Collider”, Science 338, 1576 (2012).
R. Bates et al., “The ATLAS SCT grounding and shielding concept and implementation”, 2012 JINST 7 P03005.
A. Kuhl, V. Fadeyev, A.A. Grillo, F. Martinez-McKinney, J. Nielsen, E. Spencer and M. Wilder, "ATLAS ABCD hybrid fatal charge dosage test", JINST 6 C12021 (2011).
A.A. Grillo, E. Spencer, L. Daniel, et al., "A Prototype Front-End Readout Chip for Silicon Microstrip Detectors Using an Advanced SiGe Technology", Proceedings of the Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics (TWEPP-09), Paris, France, pp 379-383, Sep. 2009.
The ATLAS Collaboration and G Aad et al., "The ATLAS Experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider", JINST 3 S08003 (2008).
F. Campabadal et al., "Design and Performance of the ABCD3TA ASIC for Readout of Silicon Strip Detectors in the ATLAS Semiconductor Tracker", Nuclear Instruments and Methods A552, pp 292-328 (2005).
A.M. Litke et al., Large-scale Imaging of Retinal Output Activity, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A501, 298 (2003).
V. Re et al., Performance of the BaBar Silicon Vertex Tracker, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A501, 14 (2003).
S. Clark et al., Smart Machine Protection System, Proceedings of the International Conference on Accelerators and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems, Tsukuba, 420, 1991.
D.C. Cheng and A.A. Grillo, Test Considerations for Components with Redundant Elements, Proceedings of the International Test Conference, Cherry Hill, 1982.
A.M. Breakstone et al., Elastic Photon-Proton Scattering in the 50-130 GeV Range, Physical Review Letters 47, 1778 (1981).
A.A. Grillo, The Design of a CAMAC Diagnostic Module, A.A. Grillo, Nuclear Instruments and Methods 165, 379 (1979).