ILC Simulation Results
This page is devoted to collecting and archiving the results of the SCIPP ILC tracking simulation effort, performed mostly by undergraduate thesis students under the guidance of Bruce Schumm.

November 21 2006: Click here to find Lori Steven's result on the classification of tracks and hits remaining after removing hits from tracks that originate within 2cm of the beam axis.

January 12 2007: Click here to find Tyler Rice's documentation of his study of the efficiency and putiry of the AxialBarrelTracker algorithm. NOTE: Some bugs were found and fixed; see Tyler's March 15 documentation below.

March 13 2007: Click here to find Chris Meyer's presentation on tracking efficiency and curvature resolution from the March 13 2007 ILC Sim/Reco meeting.

March 15 2007: Click here to find Tyler's corrected version of his January results (updated 05/01/07 to include fake-track requirements).

March 17 2007: Click here to find Tyler's documentation of his study of MC particle with exactly five hits.

July 3 2007: Click here to find Chris's 7/3/07 powerpoint presentation of his jet/jet mass degradation studies.

May 15 2007: Click here to find Lori Steven's powerpoint presentation on her initial z segmentation and Tyler's phi restriction addition to AxialBarrelTracker.

June 15 2007: Click here to find Tyler's complete documentation of his phi restriction study. And here for the corrected version, after discovering that there was an integer-divide bug that made the restriction less restrictive than desired.

July 3 2007: Click here to find Tyler's 7/3/07 powerpoint presentation of his missed-track categorization.

July 3 2007: Click here to find Chris's 7/6/07 powerpoint presentation of his tracker performance package.

Auguest 21, 2007: Click here to find Lori's 8/21/07 powerpoint presentation of her z segmetation studies.

September 11 2007: Click here to find Tyler's 8/21/07 powerpoint presentation of his and Chris's work on combining ABTF and Garfied.

September 12 2007: Click here to find Chris's 7/3/07 powerpoint presentation of his study of the effect of instrumentation coverage on jet/jet mass resolution.

February 12 2008: Click here to find Chris's 2/12/08 powerpoint presentation of his and Tyler's work on non-prompt tracks, including their own three-hit track algorithm.