November 21 2006:
Click here to find Lori Steven's result
on the classification of tracks and hits remaining
January 12 2007: Click here to find Tyler Rice's documentation of his study of the efficiency and putiry of the AxialBarrelTracker algorithm. NOTE: Some bugs were found and fixed; see Tyler's March 15 documentation below.
March 13 2007: Click here to find Chris Meyer's presentation on tracking efficiency and curvature resolution from the March 13 2007 ILC Sim/Reco meeting.
March 15 2007: Click here to find Tyler's corrected version of his January results (updated 05/01/07 to include fake-track requirements).
March 17 2007: Click here to find Tyler's documentation of his study of MC particle with exactly five hits.
July 3 2007: Click here to find Chris's 7/3/07 powerpoint presentation of his jet/jet mass degradation studies.
May 15 2007: Click here to find Lori Steven's powerpoint presentation on her initial z segmentation and Tyler's phi restriction addition to AxialBarrelTracker.
June 15 2007: Click here to find Tyler's complete documentation of his phi restriction study. And here for the corrected version, after discovering that there was an integer-divide bug that made the restriction less restrictive than desired.
July 3 2007: Click here to find Tyler's 7/3/07 powerpoint presentation of his missed-track categorization.
July 3 2007: Click here to find Chris's 7/6/07 powerpoint presentation of his tracker performance package.
Auguest 21, 2007: Click here to find Lori's 8/21/07 powerpoint presentation of her z segmetation studies.
September 11 2007: Click here to find Tyler's 8/21/07 powerpoint presentation of his and Chris's work on combining ABTF and Garfied.
September 12 2007: Click here to find Chris's 7/3/07 powerpoint presentation of his study of the effect of instrumentation coverage on jet/jet mass resolution.
February 12 2008: Click here to find Chris's 2/12/08 powerpoint presentation of his and Tyler's work on non-prompt tracks, including their own three-hit track algorithm.