DPF 2013 at UC Santa Cruz
UCSC Redwood Trees
DPF 2013 Meeting at UC Santa Cruz: Proceedings


The proceedings of the DPF 2013 meeting will be archived electronically as an eprint proceedings using the SLAC eConf system.

Proceedings papers must be submitted to the arXiv. To help identify the proceedings papers with DPF 2013, please:

1) Use the LaTeX template and macros file in this tarball or similar, showing the conference information on the first page of the paper and conference paper ID (DPF2013-??) in the upper righthand corner. Note that the question marks in the conference paper ID should be replaced with the indico ID number of the contribution (an integer less than about 400). You can find the ID number using the "View my abstracts" link in indico.

2) When submitting to the arXiv, include in the comments field "Presentation at the DPF 2013 Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Particles and Fields,
Santa Cruz, California, August 13-17, 2013."

Proceedings papers should be submitted to the arXiv by October 1, 2013. After obtaining the permanent arXiv number, please send e-mail to dpf2013@scipp.ucsc.edu with the subject line "Proceedings Contribution." In the body of the e-mail, please give the paper title, submitting author, arXiv number and presentation indico ID.

Electronic archiving of the papers allows the length of papers to be at the discretion of the authors. As general guidelines, we suggest 10 pages for plenary presentations and 5 pages for parallel and poster session presentations.




DPF 2013 Organizing Committee
Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics
University of California
1156 High St.
Santa Cruz, CA 95064



DPF Poster


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Updated: August 21 2013