Physics 101B
Winter 2007
Introduction to Modern Physics II
University of California at Santa Cruz
MWF 11:00am to 12:10pm, Natural Sciences Annex 101
Discussion Session: Wednesday, 7:00 - 8:30pm ISB 235
TEXT: Tipler and Llewellyn, `Modern Physics', Fourth Edition
Instructor: Bruce Schumm
Office: 329 Natural Sciences II
Phone: (831) 459-3034
Bruce's Office Hours:
Friday 1pm - 3pm
And by appointment if necessary
Teaching Assistant: Tim Beck
Office: Natural Sciences II Room 387
Office Phone: (831) 459-3242
Tim's Office Hours:
Tuesday 2:30 - 3:30
Just before the turn of the last... er... second-to-last century, there was a feeling amongst physicists that the major problems of physics had been solved. A few unexplained phenomena, such as the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation inside a heated cavity ("blackbody radiation"), and the fact that the medium supporting that radiation (the "ether") had never been discovered, were thought to be oddities. Beginning in 1900, and through the mid 1920's, the work of Planck, Bohr, Einstein, Heisenberg, and others was to show that these oddities were in fact the tip of an iceberg, which, once exposed, was to radically reshape the way human kind thinks about the universe in which it lives. These developments - the revolution of so-called "modern physics" - will be the subject matter of Physics 101.


Homework Assignments

Formulae for Midterm I

Sample Midterm I

Formulae for Midterm II

Sample Midterm II

The Particle Data Group Website

Formulae for the Final

Sample Final

Electronic Reserves (Homework Solutions, etc.) Send email to me if you don't have the password.