This website contains an archive of professional talks at conferences, workshops and schools, 2005--2024.
Talks given in 2024
- Cosmology, Astrophysics, Theory and Collider Higgs 2024 (CATCH22+2), at the Dublin Institute for Advanced Study (DIAS), in Dublin, Ireland, May 1, 2024 Classes of complete dark photon models constrained by Z Physics [PDF]
- PLANCK 2024: 26th International Conference from the Planck Scale to the Electroweak Scale, In Lisbon, Portugal, June 5, 2024 Flavor-nondiagonal neutral Higgs Yukawa couplings revisited [PDF]
- 31st International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions: Theory meets Experiment (SUSY 2024), in Madrid, Spain, June 10, 2024 Classes of complete dark photon models constrained by Z Physics [PDF]
Talks given in 2023
- "Herbi Fest"--Pursuing Physics Beyond the Standard Model: a symposium in honor of Herbi Dreiner on the occasion of his 60th birthday, at the Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics, University of Bonn, in Bonn, Germany, March 28, 2023 Adventures from spinors to SUSY [PDF]
- International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders (LCWS2023), at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in Menlo Park, CA USA, May 17, 2023 P-even, CP-violating Signals in Scalar-Mediated Processes [PDF]
- PLANCK 2023: 25th International Conference from the Planck Scale to the Electroweak Scale, at the University of Warsaw in Warsaw, Poland, May 22, 2023 Higgs Boson Physics—The View Ahead [PDF]
- Beyond the SM from Colliders to the Early Universe: a symposium in honor of Marcela Carena and Carlos Wagner on the occasion of their 60th birthdays, at the University of Chicago in Chicago, IL USA and at Fermilab in Batavia, IL USA, May 28, 2023 My Journey through Physics with Marcela and Carlos [PDF]
- The 6th International Workshop on "Higgs as a Probe of New Physics" (HPNP2023), at Osaka University, in Osaka, Japan, June 5, 2023 Signals of new heavy scalars in the flavor-aligned 2HDM [PDF]
- pre-SUSY school 2023, at the University of Southampton, in Southampton, England, July 13, 2023 Supersymmetry and Higgs Physics [PDF]
- The XXX International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions (SUSY 2023), at the University of Southampton, in Southampton, England, July 21, 2023 Supersymmetry Confronts a SM-Like Higgs Boson [PDF]
- Higgs Days at Santander 2023, in Santander, Spain, September 6, 2023 Signals of new heavy scalars in the flavor-aligned 2HDM [PDF]
- Scalars 2023, at the University of Warsaw in Warsaw, Poland, September 13, 2023 Scalar revelations at future e+e- colliders [PDF]
Talks given in 2022
- The XXIX International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions (SUSY 2022), at the University of Ioannina in Ioannina, Greece, June 29, 2022 The anapole moment of a charged lepton in softly-broken Supersymmetric QED [PDF]
- Workshop on Multi-Higgs Models, at the Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon, Portugal, August 30, 2022 P-even, CP-violating Signals in Scalar-Mediated Processes [PDF]
- IDT-WG3-Phys Open Meeting, online via zoom, November 17, 2022 P-even, CP-violating Signals in Scalar-Mediated Processes [PDF]
Talks given in 2021
- The 5th International Workshop on "Higgs as a Probe of New Physics Special Edition 2021" (HPNP2021), in Osaka, Japan (held online), March 27, 2021 Exceptional regions of the 2HDM parameter space [PDF]
- 49th SLAC Summer Institute (SSI 2021), at SLAC, Stanford, CA USA (held online), August 27, 2021 Higgs Boson Physics—The View Ahead [PDF]
- Charged Higgs Online Workshop, August 30, 2021 Extended Higgs sector at present and future colliders [PDF]
- DISCRETE 2020-2021, December 3, 2021 A natural mechanism for a SM-like Higgs boson in the 2HDM without decoupling [PDF]
Talks given in 2020
- All 2020 conferences and workshops at which I was scheduled to speak were canceled due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Talks given in 2019
- Higgs Days at Santander 2019, in Santander, Spain, September 20, 2019 Future Perspectives (Part 2) [PDF]
- Scalars 2019, at the University of Warsaw in Warsaw, Poland, September 14, 2019 The Future of Particle Physics---A Theorist’s Perspective [PDF]
- Scalars 2019, at the University of Warsaw in Warsaw, Poland, September 14, 2019 Approximate alignment without decoupling in the 2HDM naturally [PDF]
- Sorak Symposium reminiscence on Particle Physics, at NakSan Beach Hotel in Yang Yang, South Korea, August 15, 2019 The incomplete and biased history of the Higgs boson [PDF]
- Sorak Symposium reminiscence on Particle Physics, at NakSan Beach Hotel in Yang Yang, South Korea, August 15, 2019 Quo Vadis Higgs (or what the current Higgs data is trying to tell us) [PDF]
- 7th RISE Collaboration Workshop: NonMinimalHiggs, in Helsinki Finland, May 27, 2019 Approximate alignment without decoupling in the 2HDM naturally [PDF]
- The 4th Toyama International Workshop on "Higgs as a Probe of New Physics 2019" (HPNP2019), in Osaka, Japan, February 18, 2019 Symmetries and Mass Degeneracies in the Scalar Sector [PDF]
Talks given in 2018
- The 5th HARMONIA Warsaw-Lisbon-Catania-Dresden meeting, at the OCHOTA campus of the University of Warsaw, in Warsaw, Poland, December 6--8, 2018 Symmetries and Mass Degeneracies in the Scalar Sector [PDF]
- GGI Workshop: "Beyond the Standard Model: Where do we go from here?", at the Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics in Arcetri, Florence, Italy, September 26, 2018 Discussion on Future Colliders [PDF]
- Workshop on Multi-Higgs Models, at the Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon, Portugal, September 4, 2018 Symmetries and Mass Degeneracies in the Scalar Sector [PDF]
- GGI Workshop: "Beyond the Standard Model: Where do we go from here?", at the Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics in Arcetri, Florence, Italy, August 30, 2018 Beyond the Standard Model: Where do we go from here? [PDF]
- The 46th SLAC Summer Institute--Standard Model at 50: Successes and Challenges
Talks given in 2017
- Scalars 2017, at the University of Warsaw, in Warsaw, Poland, November 30, 2017 Replicating the Higgs Doublet [PDF]
- Energy Frontier in Particle Physics: LHC and Future Colliders, at National Taiwan University in Taipei, Taiwan, September 29, 2017 Alignment in Models of Extended Higgs Sectors [PDF]
- GGI Workshop: "Collider Physics and the Cosmos", at the Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics in Arcetri, Florence, Italy, September 12, 2017 Non-minimal Higgs sectors [PDF]
- The 2nd HARMONIA Warsaw-Lisbon-Catania-Dresden meeting , at the University of Warsaw, in Warsaw, Poland, May 28, 2017 In search of natural Higgs alignment without decoupling in the 2HDM [PDF]
- PLANCK 2017: 20th International Conference from the Planck Scale to the Electroweak Scale, in Warsaw, Poland, May 22, 2017 Alignment in extended Higgs models [PDF]
- 3rd RISE Collaboration Meeting: NonMinimalHiggs, in Toyama, Japan, March 6, 2017 High scale flavor-aligned 2HDM [PDF]
- The 3rd Toyama International Workshop on "Higgs as a Probe of New Physics 2017" (HPNP2017), in Toyama, Japan, March 1, 2017 A Theorist's Outlook for Higgs physics beyond the Standard Model [PDF]
- April APS Meeting 2017, in Washington, DC USA, Janurary 30, 2017 Beyond the Standard Model Higgs Boson [Powerpoint]
Talks given in 2016
- Helsinki Higgs Forum, at the Helsinki Institute of Physics in Helsinki, Finland, December 16, 2016 High scale flavor alignment in the 2HDM and its phenomenology [PDF]
- Higgs Couplings 2016, at SLAC, Stanford, CA USA, November 11, 2016 SUSY and the alignment limit [PDF]
- Sixth International Workshop on the Prospects for Charged Higgs Discovery at Colliders (CHARGED 2016), in Uppsala, Sweden, October 6, 2016 Future Higgs Studies: A Theorist's Outlook [PDF]
- Higgs Days at Santander 2016, in Santander, Spain, September 20, 2016 Alignment without decoupling in the MSSM [PDF]
- Workshop on Multi-Higgs Models, in Lisbon, Portugal, Septemer 6, 2016 Flavor violation via Planck scale alignment in the 2HDM [PDF]
- Higgs Hunting 2016, in Paris, France, September 2, 2016 Higgs Hunting 2016 Theory Summary Talk [PDF]
- The 24rd International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions (SUSY 2016), in Melbourne, Australia, July 6, 2016 Extended Higgs sectors and the alignment limit [PDF]
- KITP Workshop on the Experimental Challenges for the LHC Run II at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara, CA, April 18, 2016 Revisiting the 2012 Higgs Wishlist [PDF]
Talks given in 2015
- The 23rd International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions (SUSY 2015), at Granlibakken Conference Center & Lodge, Tahoe City, CA, August 24, 2015 Partially Natural Two Higgs Doublet Models [PDF]
Benchmark Discussion,
CERN, June 23, 2015
LHC Benchmarks for the CP-conserving 2HDM
An expanded version of this talk was given on July 1, 2015 at an LIP Seminar at Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas in Lisbon, Portugal [PDF] - Third KUTS Workshop at LPTHE in Paris, France, May 20, 2015 The Alignment Limit of the MSSM Higgs sector--the Impact of Radiative Corrections [PDF]
- The 4th MCTP Spring Symposium on Higgs Boson Physics in the Standard Model and Beyond at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, April 20, 2015 Partially Natural Two Higgs Doublet Models
Talks given in 2014
- IFT Program on Physics Challenges in the face of LHC-14, Madrid, Spain, September 25, 2014 Constraints on the alignment limit of the MSSM Higgs sector [PDF]
- IFT Program on Physics Challenges in the face of LHC-14, Madrid, Spain, September 23, 2014 Motivations for a stable scalar in an extended Higgs sector [PDF]
- Higgs Days at Santander 2014, Santander, Spain, September 9, 2014 2HDM Benchmarks--Theoretical Framework [PDF]
- Workshop on Multi-Higgs Models, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2, 2014 Constraints on the alignment limit of the MSSM Higgs sector [PDF]
- SUSY 2014: The 22nd International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions, Manchester, UK, July 22, 2014 Can the Hbb coupling be equal in magnitude to its SM value but opposite in sign? [PDF]
Workshop of the LHC Higgs Cross Section Working Group, CERN, June 13, 2014 2HDM---Report on recent activities [PDF]
Americas Workshop on Linear Colliders (AWLC14), Fermilab, May 15, 2014 Probing wrong-sign Yukawa couplings [PDF]
Americas Workshop on Linear Colliders (AWLC14), Fermilab, May 12, 2014 Higgs Physics [PDF]
KUTS Workshop (I), Precision SUSY Higgs Mass Calculation Initiative, Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, Munich, Germany, April 11, 2014 Some Issues for Precision Higgs Mass Computations [PDF]
Gunion Fest, University of California, Davis, March 28, 2014 Precision Higgs and Future Colliders [PDF | Powerpoint]
Bay Area Particle Theory Seminar, San Francisco, CA, March 14, 2014 Decoupling and Alignment in Light of the Higgs data [PDF].
Talks given in 2013
LCWS 2013, Tokyo, Japan, November 15, 2013 Higgs/EWSB Working Group Summary [PDF]
2013 Inter-Academy Seoul Science Forum, November 12, 2013 The Higgs Boson: Past, Present and Future [PDF]
Higgs Days at Santander 2013, Santander, Spain, Septamber 18, 2013, 2HDM Theory and a strategy for benchmarks [PDF]
Scalars 2013, Warsaw, Poland, September 15, 2013, Higgs Physics at the ILC [PDF]
Higgs Hunting 2013, Orsay, France, July 25, 2013, Higgs physics--approaching the decoupling limit [PDF | Video]
LHC--The First Part of the Journey, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Calufornia, Santa Barbara, July 8, 2013, Decoupling and the MSSM Higgs Mass [PDF | Flash video | QuickTime movie | RealMedia audio]
Snowmass Energy Frontier Workshop, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, July 2, 2013, BSM Higgs Physics at the ILC [PDF]
BSM Heavy Higgs meeting, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, June 26, 2013, CP-conserving 2HDM Benchmarks [PDF]
Minutes of this meeting can be found here. -
PDG Workshop on Searches, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, June 23, 2013, Supersymmetry Theory Review [PDF]
Planck 2013: From the Planck scale to the electroweak scale, Bonn, Germany, May 20, 2013, The MSSM Higgs Mass Revisited [PDF]
BSM Heavy Higgs meeting, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, May 15, 2013, 2HDM Benchmarks for LHC Higgs Studies [PDF]
Minutes of this meeting can be found here. -
The LHC Higgs Signal: Characterization, Interpretation and BSM Model Implications, Davis, CA, April 23, 2013, 2HDM Benchmarks for LHC Higgs Studies [PDF]
Heavy Higgs Meeting, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, March 22, 2013,
2HDM benchmark suggestion
Minutes of this meeting can be found here. - Aspen 2013--Higgs Quo Vadis, Aspen Center for Physics, Aspen, CO, March 11, 2013, A Higgs Hunter's Perspective [PDF]
- Higgs as a Probe of New Physics 2013 (HPNP2013), University of Toyoma, Japan, February 14, 2013, Alternative futures for the Higgs data: are we approaching or receding from the decoupling limit? [PDF]
- The Higgs Symposium, The Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics, University of Edinburgh, January 10, 2013, A Higgs Hunter's Perspective [PDF]
Talks given in 2012
- KITP Miniprogram: Higgs Identification, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Calufornia, Santa Barbara, December 21, 2012, Workshop Summary: Revisitng the Higgs Wishlist [PDF | Flash video | QuickTime movie | RealMedia audio]
- West Coast LHC Theory Meeting: Higgs and More at the LHC, University of California, Riverside, December 7, 2012, Mass-Degenerate-Higgs Hunters Explore the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model [PDF]
- ATLAS Analysis Jamboree on Higgs Searches, Berkeley, CA, 24--26 October 2012, The Two-Higgs Doublet Model in Theory and Practice [PDF]
- Higgs Days at Santander 2012, IFCA (Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria), Santander, Cantabria, Spain, 17--21 September, 2012, Degenerate Higgs hunters and the γγ excess [PDF]
- Higgs Days at Santander 2012, IFCA (Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria), Santander, Cantabria, Spain, 17--21 September, 2012, Higgs boson couplings near the decoupling limit [PDF]
- Workshop on Multi-Higgs Models, Complexo Interdisciplinar da UL, Lisbon, Portugal, 28--31 August 2012, Necessary Conditions for Spontaneous CP Violation [PDF]
- LHC Theory Workshop, CoEPP, The University of Melbourne, 2--4 July 2012, What can the LHC Higgs data teach us about the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model? [PDF]
- The Next Stretch of the Higgs Magnificent Mile, Northwestern University Chicago Campus, 14--16 May 2012, The Higgs Factory: A Theorist's Perspective [PDF]
Talks given in 2011
- Annual Theory Meeting, IPPP, Durham, UK, 15--17 December 2011, Higgs and SUSY [PDF]
- Berkeley workshop on searches for sypersymmetry at the LHC, LBNL, Berkeley, CA, 19--21 October 2011, Theoretical Aspects of Higgs Physics [PDF]
- LCWS11, The International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders, Granada, Spain, 26--30 September 2011, A Framework for Precision 2HDM studies at the ILC/CLIC [PDF]
- SUSY11, 19th International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions, Fermilab, 28 August--2 September 2011, Higgs: where are we now? [PDF]
- SCALARS 2011, Warsaw, Poland, 26--29 August 2011, Basis independent methods for the Two-Higgs Doublet Model [PDF]
- THLPCC11, TH-LPCC Summer Institute on LHC Physics, CERN, 1 August--2 September 2011, SUSY Monojets and Precision Coupling Determinations [PDF]
- Implications of EWSB Workshop, University of Wisconsin, 7--8 May 2011 What's so special about the MSSM Higgs sector? [PDF]
Talks given in 2010
- 4th Annual Workshop of the Helmholtz Alliance "Physics at the Terascale", Dresden, Germany, 1--3 December 2010, Status and prospects for a Higgs boson discovery [PDF]
- Higgs Days at Santander 2010, Santander, Spain 13--16 October 2010, An Introduction to Higgs Boson Theory [PDF]
- Cosmology meets Particle Physics, 2nd Bethe Center Workshop, Bad Honnef, Germany, 4--8 October 2010, Prospects for Higgs Physics at the LHC [PDF]
- PASCOS 2010, Valencia, Spain, 19--23 July 2010 Higgs Phenomenology at the LHC [PDF| Proceedings]
- MCTP Spring Symposium on Higgs Boson Physics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 12--15 May 2010 Custodial Symmetry Breaking in the two-Higgs doublet model [PDF]
- The New, the Rare and the Beautiful, University of Zurich, 6--8 January 2010 Radiative Neutralino Decay---21 years later [PDF]
Talks given in 2009
- Workshop on Multi-Higgs Models, Lisbon, Portugal, 16--18 September 2009 Custodial Symmetry Breaking in the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model [PDF]
- SM and BSM physics at the LHC, CERN Theory Institute, 3--28 August 2009 Note on the pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone Boson of Meta-stable SUSY Violation [PDF]
- SUSY Breaking 09, International workshop on supersymmetry and supersymmetry breaking, IPPP, Durham, UK, 20--24 April 2009, The Pseudo-Nambu Goldstone Boson of Metastable SUSY-Violation [PDF]
Talks given in 2008
- Augusto Barroso Fest, Lisbon, Portugal, 24 October 2008 The Two-Higgs-Doublet Model: Past, Present and Future [PDF]
Talks given in 2007
- ALCPG07, Joint Meeting of the American Linear Collider Physics Group ILC Global Design Effort, Fermilab, 22--26 October 2007 The ILC Physics Menu---500 GeV and 1 TeV [PDF]
- Kane Symposium, Michigan Center for Theoretical Physics, Ann Arbor, MI, 19--20 January 2007, The Two Higgs Doublet Model: Past, Present and Future [PDF]
Talks given in 2006
Talks given in 2005
- CPNSH, CP studies and non-standard Higgs physics, Third meeting at SLAC, 24--25 March 2005, Basis-Independent Description of CP-Violation in the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model [PDF|The CPHSH Report, CERN-2006-009]
- The Highest Energy Physics, 2005 Aspen Winter Converence, 13--19 February 2005, Opportunities for Discovery at the International Linear Collider (ILC) [PDF]
Schools and Pedagogical Lectures
- pre-SUSY school 2023, at the University of Southampton, in Southampton, England, July 13, 2023 Supersymmetry and Higgs Physics [PDF]
- 49th SLAC Summer Institute (SSI 2021), at SLAC, Stanford, CA USA (held online), August 27, 2021 Higgs Boson Physics—The View Ahead [PDF]
- Sorak Symposium reminiscence on Particle Physics, at NakSan Beach Hotel in Yang Yang, South Korea, August 15, 2019 The incomplete and biased history of the Higgsboson [PDF]
- Sorak Symposium reminiscence on Particle Physics, at NakSan Beach Hotel in Yang Yang, South Korea, August 15, 2019 Quo Vadis Higgs (or what the current Higgs data is trying to tell us) [PDF]
- The 46th SLAC Summer Institute--Standard Model at 50: Successes and Challenges
Last Updated: June 18, 2024