Analyze Menu

The Analyze menu contains functions for examining and analyzing your data. Select the highlighted items for more information on each function.
Examine Shows the x- and y-values of the data point closest to the mouse pointer.
Interpolate Calculates the y-axis value along a curve fitted to the data for any x-axis 
Tangent Shows the slope of the tangent line at the point closest to the mouse pointer.

Integral Calculates the area under a segment of the curve.
Statistics Calculates the minimum, maximum, mean, and standard deviation of the 
selected data.
Linear Fit Fits a straight line and calculates the slope and y-intercept to the selected 
area of a graph.
Curve Fit Fits a user-defined function over the data.

Legend Displays the name and point protector for each data set.

Zoom Graph In Zooms in 50%, or zooms to a selected area within a graph.
Zoom Graph Out Undoes previous zoom, or zooms graph out to twice the range.
Autoscale Graph Scales the ranges of selected graph(s) to the extrema of visible traces.