This course brings the full machinery of Maxwell's equations to bear on time-dependent problems in electrodynamics,
especially waves and wave propagation and radiation. Maxwell's equations obey the rules of special relativity, and we will develop a much more sophisticated understanding of relativity
in this course.
Handout: Vectors and Tensors
Handout: Energy and Momentum, Maxwell Stress Tensor
Handout: An Electromagnetic Wave Review
Solving Maxwell's
Equations with General Charges and Currents
Feynman Lectures on Bohm-Aharanov Effect (Is the vector potential real?)
Feynman on waveguides, waves in conductors
Derivation of Lienard-Wiechart Potentials
Radiation and Scattering
Special Relativity: Some Historical Remarks
Cosmic Rays from Particle Data Group
Special Relativity