SCIPP: Outreach


Summer Teacher Workshop

Resources Developed or Presented at SCIPP Teacher Workshops

Initial Resources

Quarknet Program Description
Accidental Coincidences

Explains the rate of accidental coincidences due to high rates of noise.

Word document

of descriptions given on this page.

Data Forums

Data Run Form

Helps students record data for each run.

Geometry Form

Helps students record geometry of a new setup.

Detector Plateauing

How to plateau a detector
Plateau Template

Spreadsheet to calculate (xlate hex to dec) and graph singles and coincidence rates for plateauing

Detailed plateauing help in a powerpoint
Plateau Example

Data for a successfully plateaued detector

Muon Flux

Muon Count Rate Estimator

for stacked or spaced counters OR when using absorbers between counters

Forbush Decline Article:

Solar wind phenomenon

Muon Lifetime

Design of Muon Lifetime Experiment

with detailed analysis.

Muon Lifetime Experiment

Presentation of above design.

QDAQ Analysis Program

Data Analysis Program

for review of DAQ data files, statistical analysis, or lifetime studies.

Test data set for QDAQ Performance Analysis

of the output of QDAQ and comparison with Quarknet's eLab analysis.


installs data link libraries needed to run QDAQ.

Technical note

by Microsoft that describes the above problem.

Barometric Altimery

Barometric Altimery.doc

How to use the Vernier Barometer and LabPro to measure altitude.

Barometric Altimery.ppt

Presentation of above information.

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