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Howard Haber

Office ISB 326
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Office Hours Mondays 3--4 pm, and Thursdays 2--3 pm
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The Higgs Boson Re-explained

This is the professional website of Howard Haber, Distinguished Professor of Physics at the University of California, Santa Cruz.


new!!! June 10, 2024: My talk entitled Classes of complete dark photon models constrained by Z Physics, given at the 31st International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions: Theory meets Experiment (SUSY 2024), has been posted to Section VII of this website.

June 5, 2024: My talk entitled Flavor-nondiagonal neutral Higgs Yukawa couplings revisited, given at PLANCK 2024: 26th International Conference from the Planck Scale to the Electroweak Scale, has been posted to Section VII of this website.

May 1, 2024: My talk entitled Classes of complete dark photon models constrained by Z Physics, given at the CATCH22+2 International Conference at the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies in Dublin, Ireland, has been posted to Section VII of this website.

March 12, 2024: My presentation to Physics 205 can be found in Section V of this website.

March 1, 2024: Some notes entitled Acceleration and Force in Special Relativity, which include a treatment of the instantaneous rest frame of an accelerating particle, have been posted to Section VI of this website.

February 28, 2024: A pedagogical presentation of the Thomas precession and the celebrated BMT equation has been posted to Section VI of this website.

February 25, 2024: Some notes on the origin of vector spherical harmonics entitled The tensor spherical harmonics, which employs the formalism of addition of angular momentum in quantum mechanics, has been posted to Section VI of this website. In the final section of these notes, the application of vector spherical harmonics to the electromagnetic multipole radiation fields is exhibited.

February 19, 2024: I could not find in the literature closed-form expressions for the two-loop Barr-Zee diagram integrals. So, I went ahead and derived these results, which can be expressed in terms of dilogarithms or the Clausen function (depending on the value of a parameter). A short note presenting the derivation, entitled Evaluating integrals arising from Barr-Zee diagrams, has been posted to Section VI of this website.

February 13, 2024: Today, my paper in collaboration with Miguel Bento and Joao Silva, entitled Classes of complete dark photon models constrained by Z-physics, was published in Physics Letters B. A link to this paper can be found in Section II of this website.

Dark Matter models that employ a vector portal to a dark sector are usually treated as an effective theory that incorporates kinetic mixing of the photon with a new U(1) gauge boson, with the Z boson integrated out. However, a more complete theory must employ the full SU(2)L×U(1)Y×U(1)Y' gauge group, in which kinetic mixing of the Z boson with the new U(1) gauge boson is taken into account. The importance of the more complete analysis is demonstrated by an example where the parameter space of the effective theory that yields the observed dark matter relic density is in conflict with a suitably defined electroweak ρ parameter that is deduced from a global fit to Z physics data.

January 9, 2024: The 2023 update of the Supersymmetry (Theory) review that appears in the Review of Particle Physics by the Particle Data Group (PDG) was published online on December 1, 2023 (see news item below). To make it widely accessuble, this review was posted on the arXiv today. A link to the arXiv version of this review can be found in Section II of this website.

December 29, 2023: The 2024 Particle Physics conference schedule has been posted to Section VIII of this website. Although not intended to be comprehensive, it covers many conferences that overlap with my research interests.

December 21, 2023: My paper entitled Explicit form for the most general Lorentz transformation revisited was posted on the arXiv. A link to this paper can be found in Section II of this website.

Explicit formuale for the 4x4 Lorentz transformation matrices corresponding to a pure boost and a pure three-dimensional rotation are very well-known. Significantly less well-known is the explicit formula for a general Lorentz transformation with arbitrary boost and rotation parameters. We revisit this more general formula by presenting two different derivations, which are shown to yield the same result. The first derivation evaluates the exponential of a 4x4 matrix by making use of the Lagrange interpolating polynomial. The second derivation exploits the assertion that for two-component spinors η and χ, the spinor product ησμχ is a Lorentz four-vector. As a result, the formula for a general Lorentz transformation reduces to the computation of the trace of a product of 2x2 matrices.

December 1, 2023: The 2023 update of the review articles appearing the Review of Particle Physics by the Particle Data Group (PDG) is now published on the PDG web site. Included among these review articles is the newly revised Supersymmetry, Part I (Theory), which is co-authored by myself and Ben Allanach.

November 10, 2023: Today, my paper in collaboration with Miguel Bento and Joao Silva, entitled Classes of complete dark photon models constrained by Z-physics, was posted on the arXiv. A link to this paper can be found in Section II of this website.

October 30, 2023: Today, my paper entitled Higgs Boson Physics: The View Ahead was published in a special issue of Letters in High Energy Physics (LHEP) on Higgs physics, and beyond, after 10 years since the discovery. A link to this paper can be found in Section II of this website.

October 13, 2023: Today, my paper in collaboration with Miguel Bento and Joao Silva, entitled Tree-level Unitarity in SU(2)L×U(1)Y×U(1)Y'​ Models, was published in JHEP. A link to this paper can be found in Section II of this website.

In models with a U(1) gauge extension beyond the Standard Model, one can derive sum rules for the couplings of the theory that are a consequence of tree-level unitarity. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive list of coupling sum rules for a general SU(2)L×U(1)Y×U(1)Y'​ gauge theory coupled to an arbitrary set of fermion and scalar multiplets. For the case of a minimal extension of the Standard Model with a U(1)Y' gauge boson, the definitions of the weak mixing angle and the electroweak ρ parameter are clarified, and a generalized ρ parameter (denoted by ρ′) is defined. The latter naturally follows from the unitarity sum rules developed in this paper.

September 28, 2023: Today, my paper in collaboration with Joseph (Zippy) Connel and Pedro Ferreira, entitled Accommodating Hints of New Heavy Scalars in the Framework of the Flavor-Aligned Two-Higgs-Doublet Model, was published in Physical Review D. A link to this paper can be found in Section II of this website.

Searches for new neutral Higgs bosons of an extended Higgs sector at the LHC can be interpreted in the framework of the two-Higgs doublet model. By employing generic flavor-aligned Higgs–fermion Yukawa couplings, we propose an analysis that uses experimental data to determine whether flavor alignment is a consequence of a symmetry that is either exact or at most softly broken. We illustrate our proposal in two different scenarios based on a few 3 sigma (local) excesses observed by the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations in their searches for heavy scalars at Run 2 of the LHC.

September 13, 2023: My talk entitled Scalar revelations at future e+e- colliders, given at Scalars 2023 at the University of Warsaw in Warsaw, Poland, has been posted to Section VII of this website.

September 6, 2023: My talk entitled Signals of new heavy scalars in the flavor-aligned 2HDM, given at Higgs Days at Santander 2023, has been posted to Section VII of this website.

July 21, 2023: My talk entitled Supersymmetry Confronts a SM-Like Higgs Boson, given at the XXX International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions (SUSY 2023), has been posted to Section VII of this website.

July 13, 2023: Two lectures, entitled Supersymmetry and Higgs Physics were presented today at the pre-SUSY school 2023 at the University of Southampton in Southampton, England. This four day school precedes the The XXX International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions (SUSY 2023), which will take place the following week. The lecture slides have been posted to Section VII of this website.

June 30, 2023: Physical copies of our textbook, From Spinors to Supersymmetry, co-authored by Herbi K. Dreiner, Howard E. Haber and Stephen P. Martin, have now arrived from the publisher. On the following day, I made the ten-mile bike ride from the Aspen Center for Physics to Maroon Lake (elevation gain of 1700 ft.), which is one of my favorite bike rides that I have done many times before. But, on this ride, I took along a copy of the book in order to have the following photo taken:

From Spinors to Supersymmetry

June 7, 2023: The textbook, entitled From Spinors to Supersymmetry, co-authored by Herbi K. Dreiner, Howard E. Haber and Stephen P. Martin, is now officially published and available from Cambridge University Press. Click here for an overview. For further details on purchasing a copy, check out this link. It is also available from Amazon via the following link.

news archive    Listings of older news items are stored here.

I. Research

The basic themes underlying my research program involve the study of: (i) the dynamics responsible for electroweak symmetry breaking; (ii) the theory and phenomenology of Higgs bosons; (iii) TeV-scale supersymmetry as a framework for incorporating a weakly-coupled Higgs sector; (iv) the phenomenology of signals for new physics beyond the Standard Model at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and future colliders; and (v) connections of low-energy phenomena with fundamental scales that lie beyond the TeV scale (e.g. lepton number violation and implications for neutrino masses).

After more then ten years after the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012 at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), many properties of this spin-zero particle have been measured. These results have profound implications for the dynamics of electroweak symmetry breaking and the possible structure of new physics that may lie beyond the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics. For example, most approaches to physics beyond the SM include extended Higgs sectors. Present Higgs data suggest that the properties of one of the scalars of the Higgs sector (identified with the observed Higgs boson) must have properties that closely approximate that of the SM Higgs boson. This constraint in turn imposes important constraints on any SM extension. The two-Higgs doublet model (2HDM) is a convenient theoretical laboratory for the study of extended Higgs sectors. Indeed, the two doublet extended Higgs sector is a key component of the simplest supersymmetric extension of the SM.

The theoretical structure and phenomenological profile of the 2HDM has attracted much attention in recent years. Staring with a seminal paper in collaboration with Sacha Davidson published in 2005, my work has advocated the importance of a basis-independent treatment of the 2HDM. During the past few years, I have focused on the relevance of the so-called decoupling and alignment limits of the 2HDM in which one of scalars closely resembles the SM Higgs boson. The basis-independent technology provides a very powerful and simple framework for studying and interpreting these limits.

If new physics beyond the SM emerges at the LHC, it will be essential to develop techniques for measuring new particle interaction strengths at high energy colliders. By detecting relations among various independent couplings, one can ascertain underlying symmetries and distinguish among different theoretical interpretations of the new physics. For example, with sufficient precision, it will be possible to provide convincing evidence for or against a supersymmetric interpretation of new fundamental physics phenomena. A precision Higgs program at the LHC and at a future collider (such as the proposed International Linear Collider) can also provide important clues as to what may lie beyond the Standard Model.

II. Publications

All my profession publications can be found here on the INSPIRE HEP database.

Most of my professional publications since 1992 are stored on the e-print archive hosted by PDF and Postscript versions of the stored papers can be found here. My top cited publications according to Google Scholar can be found here.

Links to my most recent preprints:

Links to my 2024 publications:

Links to my 2023 publications:

Links to my 2022 publications:

Links to my 2021 publications:

Links to my 2020 publications:

Links to my 2019 publications:

Links to my 2018 publications:

Links to my 2017 publications:

Links to my 2016 publications:

Links to my 2015 publications:

Twelve selected publications published from 2005--2014 are listed below.

  1. Probing wrong-sign Yukawa couplings at the LHC and a future linear collider
    P.M. Ferreira, John F. Gunion, Howard E. Haber, Rui Santos. Mar 19, 2014. 24 pp.
    SCIPP-14-02, UCD-2014-2
    Published in Phys.Rev. D89 (2014) 115003
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.89.115003
    Published version:   [PDF]
    e-Print: arXiv:1403.4736 [hep-ph] | PDF

  2. Decoupling of the Right-handed Neutrino Contribution to the Higgs Mass in Supersymmetric Models
    Patrick Draper, Howard E. Haber. Apr 22, 2013. 27 pp.
    Published in Eur.Phys.J. C73 (2013) 2522
    DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-013-2522-7
    Published version:   [PDF]
    e-Print: arXiv:1304.6103 [hep-ph] | PDF

  3. Mass-degenerate Higgs bosons at 125 GeV in the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model.
    P.M. Ferreira, Howard E. Haber, Rui Santos, Joao P. Silva. Nov 2012. 17 pp.
    Published in Phys.Rev. D87 (2013) 055009
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.055009
    Published version:   [PDF]
    e-Print: arXiv:1211.3131 [hep-ph] | PDF

  4. Group-theoretic Condition for Spontaneous CP Violation.
    Howard E. Haber (UC, Santa Cruz), Ze'ev Surujon (UC, Irvine). Jan 2012. 25 pp.
    SCIPP-12-01, UCI-TR-2012-01.
    Published in Phys.Rev. D86 (2012) 075007
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.86.075007
    Published version:   [PDF]
    e-Print: arXiv:1201.1730 [hep-ph] PDF

  5. Basis-independent methods for the two-Higgs-doublet model III: The CP-conserving limit, custodial symmetry, and the oblique parameters S, T, U.
    Howard E. Haber, Deva O'Neil (UC, Santa Cruz). Nov 2010. 58 pp.
    Published in Phys.Rev. D83 (2011) 055017
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.83.055017
    Published version:   [PDF]
    e-Print: arXiv:1011.6188 [hep-ph]

  6. Supersymmetric Monojets at the Large Hadron Collider.
    Benjamin C. Allanach (Cambridge U., DAMTP), Sebastian Grab, Howard E. Haber (UC, Santa Cruz). Oct 2010. 42 pp.
    DAMTP-2010-83, SCIPP-10-16.
    Published in JHEP 01 (2011) 138, Erratum-ibid. 07 (2011) 087, Erratum-ibid. 09 (2011) 027
    DOI: 10.1007/JHEP01(2011)138, 10.1007/JHEP07(2011)087, 10.1007/JHEP09(2011)027
    Published version:   [PDF]   [Erratum 1]   [Erratum 2]
    e-Print: arXiv:1010.4261 [hep-ph]

  7. Hard supersymmetry-breaking 'wrong-Higgs' couplings of the MSSM.
    Howard E. Haber, John D. Mason (UC, Santa Cruz). Nov 2007. 32 pp.
    Published in Phys.Rev. D77 (2008) 115011
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.77.115011
    Published version:   [PDF]
    e-Print: arXiv:0711.2890 [hep-ph]

  8. Seesaw mechanism in the sneutrino sector and its consequences.
    Athanasios Dedes (Durham U., IPPP & Ioannina U.), Howard E. Haber (UC, Santa Cruz), Janusz Rosiek (Durham U., IPPP & Warsaw, CFT). Jul 2007. 63 pp.
    IPPP-07-16,CPT-07-32, SCIPP-07-10.
    Published in JHEP 11 (2007) 059
    DOI: 10.1088/1126-6708/2007/11/059
    Published version:   [PDF]
    e-Print: arXiv:0707.3718 [hep-ph]

  9. Basis-independent methods for the two-Higgs-doublet model. II. The Significance of tan beta.
    Howard E. Haber, Deva O'Neil (UC, Santa Cruz, Inst. Part. Phys.). Feb 2006. 48 pp.
    Published in Phys.Rev. D74 (2006) 015018, Erratum-ibid. D74 (2006) 059905
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.74.015018, 10.1103/PhysRevD.74.059905
    Published version:   [PDF]   [Erratum]
    e-Print: hep-ph/0602242 | PDF

  10. Conditions for CP-violation in the general two-Higgs-doublet model
    John F. Gunion (UC, Davis (main)), Howard E. Haber (UC, Santa Cruz, Inst. Part. Phys.). Jun 2005. 46 pp.
    Published in Phys.Rev. D72 (2005) 095002
    SCIPP-04-16, UCD-2004-29
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.72.095002
    Published version:   [PDF]
    e-Print: hep-ph/0506227 | PDF

  11. Basis-independent methods for the two-Higgs-doublet model
    Sacha Davidson (Durham U., IPPP & Lyon, IPN), Howard E. Haber (Durham U., IPPP & UC, Santa Cruz). Apr 2005. 45 pp.
    IPPP-03-23, DCPT-03-46, SCIPP-04-15.
    Published in Phys.Rev. D72 (2005) 035004, Erratum-ibid. D72 (2005) 099902
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.72.035004, 10.1103/PhysRevD.72.099902
    Published version:   [PDF]   [Erratum]
    e-Print: hep-ph/0504050 | PDF

My three most highly cited papers (not including reviews) are listed below.

  1. Higgs Bosons in Supersymmetric Models. 1.
    J.F. Gunion (UC, Davis), Howard E. Haber (UC, Santa Cruz & SLAC). Aug 1984. 111 pp.
    Published in Nucl.Phys. B272 (1986) 1, Erratum-ibid. B402 (1993) 567-569
    DOI: 10.1016/0550-3213(86)90340-8; 10.1016/0550-3213(93)90653-7
    Published version:   [PDF]   [Erratum]

Links to Conference proceedings, 2013--2022:

Articles on the Higgs boson meant for a broader audience can be found below.

  1. Higgs Boson Physics -- The View Ahead
    Howard E. Haber (UC, Santa Cruz). Oct 4, 2022. 8 pp.
    Published in the September 2022 issue of the CERN EP Newsletter of the EP department

  2. Viewpoint: Higgs Decay into Bottom Quarks Seen at Last
    Howard E. Haber (UC, Santa Cruz). Sept 2018.
    Published in Physics 11 (2018) 91
    DOI: 10.1103/Physics.11.91
    Published version:   [PDF]

  3. Viewpoint: Homing in on the Higgs Boson
    Howard E. Haber (UC, Santa Cruz). Mar 2012.
    Published in Physics 5 (2012) 32
    DOI: 10.1103/Physics.5.32
    Published version:   [PDF]
             References | BibTeX | LaTeX(US) | LaTeX(EU) | Harvmac | EndNote
             Journal Server - Physics

  4. The Higgs boson explained in 60 seconds
    Howard E. Haber (UC, Santa Cruz). Aug. 2006.
    Published in Symmetry Magazine, volume 3, issue 6 (August, 2006)
    Published version:   [PDF]

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III. Published Reviews

  1. Supersymmetry, Part I (Theory).
    Benjamin C. Allanach (Cambridge U., DAMTP), Howard E. Haber (UC, Santa Cruz). Aug. 2023. 53 pp.
      PDF from the 2024 edition of the Review of Particle Physics
    Review of Particle Physics (RPP)
    Particle Data Group Collaboration (S. Navas et al.), to be published in Phys. Rev. D 110, 030001 (2024).
    Previous version published in PTEP 2022 (2022) 083C01
    DOI: 10.1093/ptep/ptac097
    Previous published version:   [PDF]
    Particle Data Group (PDG) webpage: [HTML]

  2. Higgs-mass predictions in the MSSM and beyond
    P. Slavich, S. Heinemeyer, E. Bagnaschi, H. Bahl, M. Goodsell, H.E. Haber, et al. Dec 31, 2020. 83 pp.
    DESY 20-229, DESY-20-229, IFT-UAM/CSIC-20-184, FR-PHENO-2020-021, KA-TP-23-2020, MPP-2020-235, KA-TP-23-2020, MPP-2020-235, P3H-20-086, TTK-20-53
    Published in Eur.Phys.J. C81 (2021) 450
    DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-021-09198-2
    Published version:   [PDF]
    e-Print: arXiv:2012.15629 [hep-ph] | PDF

  3. Supersymmetric Theory and Models
    Howard E. Haber, Laurel Stephenson Haskins. Dec 16, 2017. 144 pp.
    Conference: C16-06-06.15, pp. 355--499 Proceedings
    Published in Chapter 6 of TASI 2016: Anticipating the Next Discoveries in Particle Physics, edited by Rouven Essig and Ian Low (World Scientific, Singapore, 2018).
    DOI: 10.1142/9789813233348_0006
    e-Print: arXiv:1712.05926 [hep-ph] | PDF

  4. ILC Higgs White Paper
    D.M. Asner, T. Barklow, C. Calancha, K. Fujii, N. Graf, H.E. Haber, A. Ishikawa, S. Kanemura, S. Kawada, M. Kurata et al.. Oct 23, 2013. 152 pp.
    e-Print: arXiv:1310.0763 [hep-ph] | PDF

  5. Geometric picture of generalized-CP and Higgs-family transformations in the two-Higgs-doublet model.
    P.M. Ferreira (Lisbon, ISEL & Lisbon, IST), Howard E. Haber (UC, Santa Cruz), M. Maniatis (Heidelberg U.), O. Nachtmann (Heidelberg U.), Joao P. Silva (Lisbon, ISEL & Lisbon, IST). Oct 2010. 31 pp.
    SCIPP-10-15, HD-THEP-10-1.
    Published in Int.J.Mod.Phys. A26 (2011) 769-808
    DOI: 10.1142/S0217751X11051494
    Published version:   [PDF]
    e-Print: arXiv:1010.0935 [hep-ph]

  6. Two-component spinor techniques and Feynman rules for quantum field theory and supersymmetry.
    Herbi K. Dreiner, Howard E. Haber, Stephen P. Martin. Dec 2008. 246 pp.
    BN-TH-2008-12, SCIPP-08-08.
    Published in Phys.Rept. 494 (2010) 1-196
    DOI: 10.1016/j.physrep.2010.05.002
    Published version:   [PDF]
    Corrected version of the published review with a few enhancements, with the mostly minus metric   [PDF]
    Corrected version of the published review with a few enhancements, with the mostly plus metric   [PDF]
    e-Print: arXiv:0812.1594 [hep-ph]
  7. Webpage for Two-component spinor techniques and Feynman rules for quantum field theory and supersymmetry, maintained by Stephen P. Martin. Both the arXiv version and the Physics Reports version use the spacetime metric signature (+1,-1,-1,-1), as is found for example in the field theory textbooks by Ramond, and by Peskin and Schroeder . However, many people including one of the authors (S.P. Martin) prefer the metric signature (-1, +1, +1, +1), as is found for example in the textbooks by Weinberg, by Wess and Bagger, by Srednicki, and in Martin's Supersymmetry Primer. Here is a PDF file of v6 of our review with the (-1, +1, +1, +1) metric convention, which should be identical in content in every other respect: DHMspinors_v6.pdf.

    Both the (+1,-1,-1,-1) and the (-1, +1, +1, +1) metric versions were made from the same source files available from the arXiv. The choice of metric signature is implemented by simply changing a single character in the main LaTeX source file, namely the argument of line 20, with \def\signofmetric{0} corresponding to the (+1,-1,-1,-1) metric and \def\signofmetric{1} to the (-1, +1, +1, +1) metric. Note that the pdf file is produced with pdflatex.

    The list of known corrections to the Physics Reports version as of May 2022 is here: DHM_corr_PhysicsReports.pdf.

    These corrections have all been implemented (along with some additional enhancements) and can be found in version 6 of arXiv:0812.1594 (313 pages, May 2022). Any subsequent corrections to version 6 of arXiv:0812.1594 will be posted on

  8. Higgs boson theory and phenomenology.
    Marcela Carena (Fermilab), Howard E. Haber (UC, Santa Cruz). Aug 2002. 87 pp.
    hep-ph/0208209,FERMILAB-PUB-02-114-T, SCIPP-02-07.
    Published in Prog.Part.Nucl.Phys. 50 (2003) 63-152
    DOI: 10.1016/S0146-6410(02)00177-1
    Published version:   [PDF]
    e-Print: hep-ph/0208209

  9. Spin formalism and applications to new physics searches.
    Howard E. Haber (UC, Santa Cruz & Santa Barbara, KITP). Apr 1994. 83 pp.
    hep-ph/9405376, SCIPP-93-49, NSF-ITP-94-30, C93-07-26.
    Published in Stanford 1993, Spin structure in high energy processes, pp. 231-272
    Presented at Conference: C93-07-26
    e-Print: hep-ph/9405376
    Postscript and PDF from this website.

  10. Lectures on electroweak symmetry breaking.
    Howard E. Haber (UC, Santa Cruz). Mar 1991. 136 pp.
    Invited lectures given at Conference: C90-06-03 (Boulder TASI 90:340-475), p.340-475
    PDF from this website.

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IV. Published Books

Co-authored books

  1. Links to From Spinors to Supersymmetry at the Cambridge University Press webpage:     [Overview | Hardback | eBook]

    Link to Resources and Errata

    The book can also be purchased from Amazon via the following link.

  2. The Higgs Hunter's Guide.
    John F. Gunion (UC, Davis), Howard E. Haber (UC, Santa Cruz), Gordon L. Kane (Michigan U.), Sally Dawson (Brookhaven). Jun 1989. 404 pp.
    SCIPP-89/13, UCD-89-4, BNL-41644.
    Published in Front. Phys. 80 (2000) 1-448

    Link to The Higgs Hunter's Guide at the Perseus Books webpage. See also the Routledge (member of Taylor & Francis Group) webpage.

Edited books

  1. Link to Particle Physics and Cosmology webpage at World Scientific Publishing.

  2. Electroweak symmetry breaking and new physics at the TeV scale.
    T.L. Barklow, (ed.) (SLAC), S. Dawson, (ed.) (Brookhaven), H.E. Haber, (ed.) (UC, Santa Cruz), J.L. Siegrist, (ed.) (LBL, Berkeley). 1996.
    Published in Singapore, Singapore: World Scientific (1996) 736 p. (Advanced series on directions in high energy physics. 16)

    Link to Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and New Physics at the TeV Scale webpage at World Scientific Publishing.

  3. Link to From the Planck Scale to the Weak Scale: Toward a Theory of the Universe webpage at World Scientific Publishing.

  4. Link to From the Planck Scale to the Weak Scale: Toward a Theory of the Universe webpage at World Scientific Publishing.

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V. Teaching

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VI. Notes and other writings

  1. Acceleration and Force in Special Relativity     [PDF | PS]
  2. Thomas Precession and the BMT equation     [PDF | PS]
  3. The tensor spherical harmonics     [PDF | PS]
  4. Evaluating integrals arising from Barr-Zee diagrams     [PDF | PS]
  5. Exponentiating the Lie algebra of the Lorentz group     [PDF | PS]
  6. Rational approximations to ln 2     short version: [PDF | PS]; long version: [PDF | PS]
  7. Generalized Functions for Physics     [PDF | PS]
  8. Evaluating the finite part of the Passarino-Veltman function B0(p2;m12,m22)     [PDF | PS]
  9. Evaluating the one-loop function arising in h→γγ     [PDF | PS]
  10. Analytic formulae for the Feynman propagator in coordinate space     [PDF | PS]
  11. A Tale of Three Diagonalizations     [PDF | PS]
  12. Notes on the Matrix Exponential and Logarithm     [PDF | PS]
  13. The characteristic polynomial     [PDF | PS]
  14. What is the group of conjugate symplectic matrices?     [PDF | PS]
  15. Parameterization of real orthogonal antisymmetric matrices     [PDF | PS]
  16. Toward a set of 2HDM benchmarks     [PDF | PS]
  17. The eigenvalues of the quadratic Casimir operator and second-order indices of a simple Lie algebra     [PDF | PS]
  18. Notes on basis changes and matrix diagonalization     [PDF | PS]
  19. Notes on the complex inverse trigonometric and hyperbolic functions and their principal values     [PDF | PS]
  20. Electron wave function and mass renormalization in QED     [PDF | PS]
  21. Proof of a trace inequality in matrix algebra     [PDF | PS]
  22. Notes on the spontaneous breaking of SU(N) and SO(N) via a second-rank tensor multiplet     [PDF | PS]
  23. Notes on antisymmetric matrices and the pfaffian     [PDF | PS]
  24. Complex representation of scalar fields and the embedding of U(n) in SO(2n)     [PDF | PS]
  25. The probability that a product of random numbers is less than a fixed constant     [PDF | PS]
  26. Massless Majorana and Weyl fermions cannot be distinguished     [PDF | PS]

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VII. Talks at conferences, workshops and schools, 2004--2024

2024 Conferences and workshops

  1. Cosmology, Astrophysics, Theory and Collider Higgs 2024 (CATCH22+2), at the Dublin Institute for Advanced Study (DIAS), in Dublin, Ireland, May 1, 2024     Classes of complete dark photon models constrained by Z Physics   [PDF]
  2. PLANCK 2024: 26th International Conference from the Planck Scale to the Electroweak Scale, In Lisbon, Portugal, June 5, 2024     Flavor-nondiagonal neutral Higgs Yukawa couplings revisited   [PDF]
  3. 31st International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions: Theory meets Experiment (SUSY 2024), in Madrid, Spain, June 10, 2024     Classes of complete dark photon models constrained by Z Physics   [PDF]

2023 Conferences and workshops

  1. "Herbi Fest"--Pursuing Physics Beyond the Standard Model: a symposium in honor of Herbi Dreiner on the occasion of his 60th birthday, at the Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics, University of Bonn, in Bonn, Germany, March 28, 2023     Adventures from spinors to SUSY   [PDF]
  2. International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders (LCWS2023), at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in Menlo Park, CA USA, May 17, 2023     P-even, CP-violating Signals in Scalar-Mediated Processes   [PDF]
  3. PLANCK 2023: 25th International Conference from the Planck Scale to the Electroweak Scale, at the University of Warsaw in Warsaw, Poland, May 22, 2023     Higgs Boson Physics—The View Ahead   [PDF]
  4. Beyond the SM from Colliders to the Early Universe: a symposium in honor of Marcela Carena and Carlos Wagner on the occasion of their 60th birthdays, at the University of Chicago in Chicago, IL USA and at Fermilab in Batavia, IL USA, May 28, 2023     My Journey through Physics with Marcela and Carlos   [PDF]
  5. The 6th International Workshop on "Higgs as a Probe of New Physics" (HPNP2023), at Osaka University, in Osaka, Japan, June 5, 2023     Signals of new heavy scalars in the flavor-aligned 2HDM   [PDF]
  6. pre-SUSY school 2023, at the University of Southampton, in Southampton, England, July 13, 2023     Supersymmetry and Higgs Physics   [PDF]
  7. The XXX International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions (SUSY 2023), at the University of Southampton, in Southampton, England, July 21, 2023     Supersymmetry Confronts a SM-Like Higgs Boson   [PDF]
  8. Higgs Days at Santander 2023, in Santander, Spain, September 6, 2023     Signals of new heavy scalars in the flavor-aligned 2HDM   [PDF]
  9. Scalars 2023, at the University of Warsaw in Warsaw, Poland, September 13, 2023     Scalar revelations at future e+e- colliders   [PDF]

2022 Conferences and workshops

  1. The XXIX International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions (SUSY 2022), at the University of Ioannina in Ioannina, Greece, June 29, 2022     The anapole moment of a charged lepton in softly-broken Supersymmetric QED   [PDF]
  2. Workshop on Multi-Higgs Models, at the Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon, Portugal, August 30, 2022     P-even, CP-violating Signals in Scalar-Mediated Processes   [PDF]
  3. IDT-WG3-Phys Open Meeting, online via zoom, November 17, 2022     P-even, CP-violating Signals in Scalar-Mediated Processes   [PDF]

2021 Conferences and workshops

  1. The 5th International Workshop on "Higgs as a Probe of New Physics Special Edition 2021" (HPNP2021), in Osaka, Japan (held online), March 27, 2021     Exceptional regions of the 2HDM parameter space   [PDF]
  2. 49th SLAC Summer Institute (SSI 2021), at SLAC, Stanford, CA USA (held online), August 27, 2021     Higgs Boson Physics—The View Ahead   [PDF]
  3. Charged Higgs Online Workshop, August 30, 2021     Extended Higgs sector at present and future colliders   [PDF]
  4. DISCRETE 2020-2021, December 3, 2021     A natural mechanism for a SM-like Higgs boson in the 2HDM without decoupling   [PDF]

news archive    Professional talks at conferences and workshops in previous years are stored here.

Schools and Pedagogical Lectures

  1. pre-SUSY school 2023, at the University of Southampton, in Southampton, England, July 13, 2023     Supersymmetry and Higgs Physics   [PDF]

  2. 49th SLAC Summer Institute (SSI 2021), at SLAC, Stanford, CA USA (held online), August 27, 2021     Higgs Boson Physics—The View Ahead   [PDF]

  3. Sorak Symposium reminiscence on Particle Physics, at NakSan Beach Hotel in Yang Yang, South Korea, August 15, 2019     The incomplete and biased history of the Higgsboson   [PDF]

  4. Sorak Symposium reminiscence on Particle Physics, at NakSan Beach Hotel in Yang Yang, South Korea, August 15, 2019     Quo Vadis Higgs (or what the current Higgs data is trying to tell us)   [PDF]

  5. The 46th SLAC Summer Institute--Standard Model at 50: Successes and Challenges, at SLAC in Stanford, CA USA, August 6, 2018     The woefully incomplete, unabashedly biased history of the Higgs Boson   [PDF]

  6. Pre-SUSY 2016, preceding the 24th International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions, Melbourne, Australia, 27 June--July 8, 2016     SM and SUSY Higgs [Lecture 1 | Lecture 2 | Lecture 3]

  7. 2016 Theoretical Advanced Study Institute (TASI 2016), 6 June--1 July 2016,     Supersymmetric Theories and Models [Lecture 1 | Lecture 2 | Lecture 3 | Lecture 4]

  8. The 40th SLAC Summer Institute, The Electroweak Scale: Unraveling the Mysteries at the LHC, 23 July--3 August 2012,     Electroweak Symmetry Breaking (EWSB): The Basics [Lecture 1 | Lecture 2]

  9. Idpasc Higgs School, Foz do Arelho, Portugal, 6--9 Sept 2011,     Theory of Higgs Bosons: The Standard Model and Beyond   [PDF]

  10. The Pre SUSY school, preceding the 18th International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions, Bonn, Germany, 19--21 August, 2010,     Two-component Spinor Formalism: practical methods for treating Majorana fermions   [PDF]

  11. Spaatind 2010: Nordic Conference in Particle Physics Spaatind 2010, Spaatind, Norway, 2--8 January 2010,     Introduction to Electroweak Symmetry Breaking   [PDF];     Two-component spinor formalism   [PDF]

  12. Collider Phenomenology, DESY Theory Workshop, DESY Hamburg, Germany, 29 September--1 October 2009     Introduction to Electroweak Symmetry Breaking   [PDF]

  13. The CERN--Fermilab 2008 Hadron Collider Physics Summer School, Fermilab, August 12--22, 2008,     Higgs Boson Theory and Phenomenology   [PDF]

  14. Pre-SUSY 2005, preceding the 13th International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions, IPPP Durham, 29 June--July 15, 2005     Practical methods for treating Majorana fermions   [PDF]

  15. PSI Zuoz Summer School on Particle Physics, Zuoz, Switzerland, 15--21 August, 2004     Introduction to Supersymmetry   [Lecture 1 |Lecture 2| Lecture 3| Lecture 4]

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VIII. 2024 Conferences and workshops in particle physics

GGI Lectures on the Theory of Fundamental Interactions 2024, January 8--26, 2024 at the Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics in Arcetri, Florence, Italy

The Future of Fundamental Composite Dynamics: Colliders, Cosmology and Tools, March 4--15, 2024 at the Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics (MITP), Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz in Mainz, Germany

Bay Area Particle Theory Seminar (BAPTS), March 15, 2024 at San Francisco State University (SFSU) in San Francisco, CA USA

Second Annual U.S. Future Circular Collider (FCC) Workshop 2024, March 25--27, 2024 at MIT in Cambridge, MA USA

April APS Meeting 2024, April 3--6, 2024 in Sacramento, CA USA

Challenging the standard cosmological model, April 15--16, 2024 at the Royal Society in London, England

Cosmology, Astrophysics, Theory and Collider Higgs 2024 (CATCH22+2), May 1--5, 2024 in Dublin, Ireland

DPF Meeting and the Phenomenology Symposium (Pheno) 2024, May 13--17, 2024 at the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA USA

Modular Invariance Approach to the Lepton and Quark Flavour Problems: from Bottom-up to Top-down, May 13--17, 2024 at the Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics (MITP), Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, in Mainz, Germany

4th EuCAPT Annual Symposium, May 14--16, 2024 at CERN in Geneva Switzerland

LoopFest XXII, May 20--22, 2024 at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, USA

Fundamental Physics in the Era of Big Data and Machine Learning, May 26--June 23, 2024 at the Aspen Center for Physics in Aspen, CO USA

The Microscopic Origin of Black Hole Entropy, June 2--30, 2024 at the Aspen Center for Physics in Aspen, CO USA

12th Edition of the Large Hadron Collider Physics Conference (LHCP 2024), June 3--7, 2024 at Northeastern University in Boston, MA USA

The Evaluation of the Leading Hadronic Contribution to the Muon g-2, June 3--7, 2024 at the Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics (MITP), Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, in Mainz, Germany

Pre-SUSY 2024: School on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental forces, June 3--7, 2024 at the Instituto de Fisica Teorica (UAM/CSIC) in Madrid, Spain

PLANCK 2024: 65th International Conference from the Planck Scale to the Electroweak Scale, June 3--7, 2024 in Lisbon, Portugal

FCC Week 2024, June 10--14, 2024 in San Francisco, CA USA

31st International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions: Theory meets Experiment (SUSY 2024), June 10--14, 2024 at the Instituto de Fisica Teorica (UAM/CSIC) in Madrid, Spain

Theory Facing Experiment on the Dark Matter and Flavor Puzzles, June 10--21, 2024, organized by the Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics (MITP), Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, at the Villa Orlandi in Anacapri, Capri Island, Italy

Crossroads between Theory and Phenomenology, June 10--28, 2024 at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland

Leveraging the Lepton Sector as a Probe for New Physics, June 23--July 21, 2024 at the Aspen Center for Physics in Aspen, CO USA

FLASY 2024: the 10th Workshop on Flavor Symmetries and Consequences in Accelerators and Cosmology, June 24--28, 2024 at the University of California Irvine in Irvine, CA USA

The 13th KUTS meeting: "Precision SUSY Higgs Mass Calculation Initiative", June 26--28, 2024 at DESY in Hamburg, Germany

The 2024 International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders (LCWS2024), July 8--11, 2024 at the University of Tokyo in Tokyo, Japan

42nd International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2024), July 17--24, 2024 in Prague, Czech Republic

52nd SLAC Summer Institute (SSI 2024)--The Art of Precision: Calculations and Measurements, August 5--16, 2024 at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in Menlo Park, CA USA

Inaugural US Muon Collider Meeting, August 7--9, 2024 at Fermilab in Batavia, IL USA

Tightening the Gap Between Scattering Amplitudes and Events at the LHC at Higher Orders, August 18--September 15, 2024 at the Aspen Center for Physics in Aspen, CO USA

Workshop on the Standard Model and Beyond, August 25--September 4, 2024 at the Corfu Summer Schook and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity, in Mon-Repos, Corfu, Greece

XIII International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics, August 26--September 4, 2024 at the Conference Center of the Orthodox Academy of Crete (OAC), Kolymbari, Crete, Greece

Workshop on Multi-Higgs Models, September 3--6, 2024 at the Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon, Portugal

Higgs Days at Santander 2024, September 9--13, 2024 in Santander, Spain

Fundamental physics and gravitational wave detectors, September 9--20, 2024 in the Castello dei Principi Capano, in Pollica (SA), Italy

Ninth International Workshop on High Precision for Hard Processes at the LHC (HP2 2024), September 10--13, 2024, hosted by the University of Torino and INFN at Campus Luigi Einaudi, Torino, Italy

Accelerated expansion, dS, & Strings: From the Swampland to the Landscape, September 18--20, 2024 at Institute of Theoretical Physics (IFT), Madrid, Spain

Higgs Hunting 2024, September 23--25, 2024 at Orsay and Paris, France

A workshop celebrating the careers and achievements of Lawrence Hall and Hitoshi Murayama, September 26--28, 2024 at the David Brower Center in Berkeley, CA USA

QCD@LHC, October 7--11, 2024 in Freiburg, Germany

EFT & Multi-Loop Methods for Advancing Precision in Collider and Gravitational Wave Physics, October 7--31, 2024 at the Munich Institute for Astro-, Particle and BioPhysics (MIAPbP) in Garching, Germany

3rd ECFA Workshop on e+e- Higgs/EWK/top factories, October 9--11, 2024 in Paris, France

Extended scalar sectors from all angles, October 21--25, 2024 at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland

Higgs 2024, November 4--8, 2024 in Uppsala, Sweden

The 21st annual workshop of the LHC Higgs Working Group, December 4--6, 2024 at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland

Navigating new horizons: defining the next era of particle physics, June 2--27, 2025 at the Munich Institute for Astro-, Particle and BioPhysics (MIAPbP) in Garching, Germany

Another compilation of upcoming particle physics conferences and workshops can be found here.

conference and workshop archive    Listings of conferences and workshops from previous years are stored here.

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IX. University Service

Faculty Perceptions of a UCSC Research Environment in Need of Restoration and Improvement, a report by Howard E. Haber and David M. Harrington, sponsored by the UCSC Committee on Research and contributed in May, 1998 to the Advisory Report of the Millennium Committee.     [HTML]

University Committee on Research Policy (UCORP) 1995--1996 Public web page.

Should UC renew its contract with the Department of Energy (DOE) to manage the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory? The following web page documents the 1996 UC systemwide campus debate on this question. A town meeting was held on the UCSC campus on March 7, 1996 to discuss these issues.

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X. Extracurricular Activities

Some of the physics students and I play softball in the UCSC intramural coed softball league. The fall season runs from early October to early December, and the spring season runs from early April to early June.

Our team, called Re-Entry, is sponsored by the STARS organization on campus, which provides support and counseling for returning (or re-entry) students to campus. You can follow our season exploits on the Re-Entry Team Webpage.

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XI. Physics, Math and Computer Links

Book Price comparisons book search

CERN links

CERN homepage

CERN users

CERN Theory group

CERN Document Server

CERN Yellow Reports

Future Circular Collider

Large Hadron Collider (LHC)

LHC Physics Centre at CERN

LHC Performance and Statistics

LHC Programme Coordination web pages

ATLAS Online Luminosity   [for more details click here]

CMS Online Luminosity   [for more details click here]

CERN Physics results

ATLAS Documents

ATLAS Experiment--Public results

ATLAS Higgs Physics results

ATLAS Supersymmetry Physics results

CMS Documents

CMS Physics results

CMS Higgs Physics results

Higgs PAG Summary Plots

CMS Supersymmetry Physics results

Electroweak and Higgs precision observables

LEP Electroweak Working Group

LEP Higgs Working Group


LHC Higgs Cross Section Working Group (HXSWG)

SFitter Higgs coupling analysis

Higgs boson links

Precision SUSY Higgs Mass Calculation Initiative

SM Higgs production cross sections at √s = 13 TeV

SM Higgs Branching Ratios and Total Decay Widths

LHC Higgs Cross Section Working Group Twiki

Heavy Higgs and Beyond Standard Model subgroup of the HXSWG

Handbook of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 1. Inclusive Observables     [Postscript | PDF]

Handbook of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 2. Differential Distributions     [Postscript | PDF]

Handbook of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 3. Higgs Properties     [Postscript | PDF]

Handbook of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 4. Deciphering the nature of the Higgs sector     [PDF]

High Energy Physics links

arXiv preprint server


CERN Document Server

Particle Data Group

High Energy Physics Software and Collider Tools

International Linear Collider

American Linear Collider Working Group

International Linear Collider (ILC) homepage

ILC Technical Design Report

CLIC detector and physics study (CLICdp)--WG Physics Potential

Compact Linear Collider (CLIC)


European Physics Journal C


Journal of Mathematical Physics

Nuclear Physics B

Physical Review Online Archive (PROLA)

Physics Letters B

Physics Reports

Mathematics links

Mathematical Association of America

Table of integrals

Meetings and Conferences organized by SCIPP Theory

Howie-Fest-70, February 7, 2022 at the University of California, Santa Cruz, CA USA (held online)

SCIPP Reunion Theory Symposium, April 24, 2015 at the University of California, Santa Cruz

The search for Fundamental Physics: Higgs Bosons & Supersymmetry, A symposium in honor of Michael Dine and Howard Haber on the occasion of their 60th Birthdays, January 4--6, 2013

West Coast LHC Theory meeting, May 21, 2010

Confronting Challenges in Theoretical Physics, A Symposium in Honor of Tom Banks and Willy Fischler on the Occasion of their 60th Birthdays June 15--16, 2009

RADCOR 2000, 5th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections, September 11--15, 2000

Particle physics outreach

The Particle Adventure

Hands on CERN

Physikshow at the University of Bonn

Particle physics jobs

Theoretical Particle Physics Jobs Rumor Mill

High Energy Physics Postdoc Rumor Mill

Physics blogs



Cosmic Variance

Life and Physics

Of Particular Significance

Quantum Diaries

A Quantum Diaries Survivor


viXra log

Physics links

Division of Particles and fields of the APS

DPF Newsletter

American Physical Society

Professional publishers

EPJC Manuscript Central



Search links

Google Books

Google Scholar

Snowmass 2021 links

The Particle Physics Community Planning Exercise

Energy Frontier

Theory Frontier

Tevatron physics results

Tevatron New Phenomena & Higgs Working Group

TeX and LaTeX links

The TeX Catalog Online

Selected extracts from the Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List   [HTML | [PDF]

Using Imported Graphics in LaTeX and pdfLaTeX   [PDF]

XII. Miscellaneous links of interest


Piled Higher and Deeper (Ph.D. Comics)



Major League Baseball

National Football League

National Basketball Association

National Hockey League

San Francisco Giants

San Francisco 49ers

San Jose Sharks

Golden State Warriors


The Weather Channel

The Weather Underground

XIII. Photographs

Photographs that I have taken at various physics conferences and workshops can be found at this link. Pictures of the Re-Entry coed softball team can be found here.

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Last Updated: July 24, 2024